Executive Order State of California EXECUTIVE ORDER B-48-78 WHEREAS, it is the responsibility of the State of California to maintain a high degree of preparedness in the event of an earthquake, flood, fire, riot, epidemic, attack by a foreign power and other emergencies; NOW, THEREFORE, I, Edmund G. Brown Jr., Governor of the State of California, by virtue of the powers and authority vested in me by the Constitution and statutes of the State of California and in accordance with provisions of Sections 8567 and 8595 of the Government Code, do hereby rescind Executive Order No. 3-46-78, and do hereby issue this Order to become effectively immediately: 1. The Director, Office of Emergency Services, who is also the State Director of Emergency Planning and the State Director of Civil Defense, is responsible for preparation of the State of California Emergency Plan and the submission thereof, through the California Emergency Council, to me for approval; 2. The head of each department, bureau, board, commission and independent institution of state government, hereinafter referred to as an agency, is responsible for the emergency planning and preparedness of his agency; 3. Specific assignment of emergency functions to a given agency will be made in an Administrative Order by the Director, Office of Emergency Services, following consultation with the respective agency head; 4. Draft copies of agency procedures designed to carry out emergency assignments shall be submitted to the Director, Office of Emergency Services, for review and approval prior to publication; 5. Each agency shall prepare for and ensure: a. Protection of its personnel, equipment supples, facilities, and vital public records against the destructive forces of nature or man; PAGE TWO b. The utilization of minimum resources required for continuation of normal service and redirection of all other resources to accomplish objectives in accordance with the California Emergency Plan; c. Designation of facilities for emergency use. 6. Authority is hereby granted each state agency to properly train employees for emergency assignment in test exercises conducted by the agency of the Office of Emergency Services. Agency directors may allow compensation of compensating time off for training outside of regular working hours. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Great Seal of the State of California to be affixed this 28th day of December, A.D. nineteen hundred and seventy-eight. Edmund G. Brown JR., Governor of California Attest: March Fong Eu, Secretary of State By: Deputy Secretary of State Date Stamp: Filed in the Office of the Secretary of State of the State of California, December 28th, 1978. March Fong Eu, Secretary of the State by: Deputy Secretary of State