Annual Reports


The California State Library issued its 2024 Annual Report today, highlighting its work to support California’s 1,127 public library branches, provide research and information to policy makers and state employees, and preserve and share the state’s rich cultural heritage with all Californians.

California’s Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement program is the largest single investment ever made by the State of California for public library facilities, empowering local governments to transform libraries to meet 21st Century needs and expectations. The program has awarded more than $484 million in grants to 278 local libraries for facility infrastructure upgrades, expansions, and even new facility construction.

Career Online High School enables Californians to earn a high school diploma, free of charge, through their local public library. Now offered in 82 public library jurisdictions and their combined 889 main and branch libraries, the self-paced program is available online, 24/7. Currently, more than 1,400 Californians are enrolled in Career Online High School. Another 3,700 have already earned their diplomas.

In 2020, the State Library launched the California Grants Portal, an interactive online tool to help Californians easily find state grant opportunities. In the 2023-2024 fiscal year, the California Grants Portal published 455 grant and loan opportunities from state government entities—a jump of 12 percent from the previous year. The number of users increased by 58 percent to 1,868,551. More than $48 billion in state administered funding was available on the portal.

“When budgets get tight, making smart choices becomes crucial. Investing in public libraries is one of the smartest moves the state can make. It’s an investment in our communities and in every Californian who relies on libraries for support and success,” said Greg Lucas.

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