2023 Sustainability Symposium Agenda
Wednesday, July 19, 2023, 9:00 am – 12:00 noon via Zoom
Welcome + Introductions: 9:00–9:10
Julianna Robbins, Library Programs Consultant, and Michelle Killian, Grants Analyst, California State Library
Sustainable Los Gatos: 9:10–9:20
Did someone say goats? With the threat of wildfires facing Californians all year round, it’s important now more than ever to think of sustainable approaches to reducing this threat. Come learn how The Los Gatos Library hired a team of eco-friendly, brush-clearing animal experts! Made possible through the Sustainability themed grant from California State Libraries, we will get into the specifics of what the process looked like, all that was required, and any challenges or pivots we faced along the way.
Presenter: Breanna Homrighausen, Adult Collection & Services Librarian, Los Gatos Library
Wiggly Wonders: From Scraps to Surplus: 9:20–9:30
Get ready to embrace the beauty of nature and embark on an eco-friendly adventure that will leave you inspired and fulfilled. Learn how a community-built potting bench and raised bed was created with the support of the Boy Scouts. Discover the magic of worms as we dive into the world of recycling and sustainability at the Lunch at the Library’s Farm to Summer program. Together, let’s transform kitchen scraps into a bountiful feast, nurturing both children and adults with rich, nutritious food.
Presenter: Nancy Reiter, Branch Manager, Home Gardens Library and El Cerrito Library, Riverside County Library System and Tracy Davis, certified Riverside County Compost Master
SFS Grows: Sustainable Programming for Developmentally Disabled Adults: 9:30–9:40
SFS Grows is an LSTA grant funded program serving a historically underserved population in their community. SFS Grows educates participants on accessible gardening and simple, sustainable actions that can be taken at home. Join the presenters as they discuss their new program, how it has impacted their community, and how you can integrate sustainable programming for diverse communities in your library.
Presenters: Jessica Magallanes and Diana Martinez, Information Desk Assistants, Santa Fe Springs City Library
Break (~15 minutes)
California Climate Action Corps + Climate Action Week in September: 10:00 –10:10
How libraries and communities can get involved!
Presenters: Sunshine Swinford, Climate Action Director and Candice Aquino, Climate Community Engagement Manager, California Volunteers, Office of the Governor
Sustainable Gardening: UCCE Master Gardeners & and the Library: 10:10 –10:20
Stanislaus County Library and the UCCE Master Gardeners of Stanislaus County will share details on their partnership to bring free gardening classes to libraries throughout the county. Learn what sustainable gardening topics they’ve covered so far, and how these practices are of particular interest to community members in the Central Valley.
Presenters: Anne Schellman, UCCE Master Gardener Coordinator, Stanislaus County and Laura Ferrell, Stanislaus County Library Marketing & Outreach Coordinator
Green Communities for Tulare County: 10:20 –10:30
The San Joaquin Valley is sometimes referred to as “the breadbasket of the world” and Tulare County is one of the most agriculturally productive places in California. Even though agriculturally rich, Tulare County is particularly subject to effects of climate change, in addition to being home to underrepresented populations that are most affected. Green Communities for Tulare County seeks to strengthen local food systems by partnering with FoodLink, Tulare County to showcase home gardening, and to highlight the impact of water quality on vulnerable communities and how citizens can join the water justice movement to provide safe water for all, by partnering with Community Water Center.
Presenter: Jonathan Waltmire, History Room Supervisor, Tulare County Library
Sustainability for All at the San Mateo Public Library: 10:30–10:40
The San Mateo Public Library created 6 months of sustainability programs and workshops including Fixit Clinics, mending, gardening, a free compost day and the creation of a seed library.
Presenter: Carla Avitabile, Librarian II, San Mateo Public Library
Break (~15 minutes)
Culturally Relevant Gardening: 11:00–11:10
Creating gardening resources, expanding seed libraries and providing culturally relevant gardening programming. Culturally Relevant Gardening is an LSTA grant funded program serving the people of the City of Oakland. Hear an example of how you can provide culturally relevant gardening programming for a very diverse city. Learn how you can utilize one time grant funding to support branch level efforts. How could a library make gardening accessible for new or reluctant gardeners?
Presenter: Celia Davis, Senior Librarian Adult Programming and Engagement, Oakland Public Library
Dig it: Sustainable Gardening at the Library: 11:10–11:20
What started with seeds has grown into a thriving Learning Garden and an LSTA grant funded gardening tool lending library. Learn how we are growing our community of sustainable gardeners through seeds and access to tools, educational programs, and opportunities for hands-on experiences in the garden.
Presenter: Christina Cosce Maddox, Childrens Librarian, Alameda County Library
Mono County Earth Month: 11:20 –11:30
The Library partners with High Sierra Energy Foundation to bring sustainability experts and hands-on fairs to Mono County.
Presenter: Christopher Platt, County Library Director, Mono County Library System, Pam Close Bold, Executive Director, High Sierra Energy Foundation, Jessica Blackwell, Program Coordinator, High Sierra Energy Foundation
Indigiscape: An Exploration into Outdoor Discovery and Sustainability: 11:30–11:40
Sutter County Library created an outdoor space that included native and drought-tolerant plants, selected with help from Enterprise Rancheria and a local nursery. UC Master Gardeners partnered with the library to conduct presentations related to our new seed library, caring for native plants, and eco-friendly watering practices.
Presenter: James Ochsner, Director of Library Services, Sutter County Library
Seed Library Roundtable: 11:40–12:00
Join us for a lively discussion of seed library successes and common challenges. A panel of seed librarians from all over the state will weigh in on topics such as programming, finding furniture, sourcing seeds, marketing, partners, and funding possibilities. Send questions and specific topic suggestions in advance to Emily Weak at weak@plpinfo.org
Moderator: Emily Weak, Project Advisor, Pacific Library Partnership
Presenters: Kathryn Miller, Library Specialist, Murrieta Public Library; Alison Peters, Senior Community Library Manager, Contra Costa County Library; Margaret Miles, Fairfax Branch Manager, Marin County Free Library; Carolyn Caffrey, Associate Librarian & Information Literacy Coordinator, CSU Dominguez Hills; Tara Davies, Teen Librarian & Environmental Librarian, City of Coronado