Photography, Filming, and Audio Recording Policy

It is the policy of the California State Library to allow filming, photography, and audio recording in State Library spaces as described herein, to the extent that these activities do not interfere with the operations, programs and activities of the State Library or the individual rights of library employees and patrons.

The State Library authorizes filming, photography, and audio recording in its facilities as follows:

  1. Amateur filming, photography, and audio recording is permitted in the Reading Rooms and public areas of State Library facilities, provided that these activities are compatible with the Patron Code of Conduct and do not interfere with the conduct of library business or capture any identifiable likenesses or voices of individuals without their permission. Those filming, taking photographs, or recording are responsible for securing the necessary permissions from those whose likenesses or voices are captured. Those who interfere with the conduct of library business or attempt to film, photograph, or audio record others without their consent will be asked to put away their equipment or leave the facility. Photography of library collection materials is generally permitted for research and personal use, though some restrictions apply. Flash photography is expressly prohibited. Other restrictions include but are not limited to standing on chairs or other furniture to capture overhead shots, placing materials on the floor, using drones, rearranging furniture, or using tripods or monopods in special collection rooms. Anyone filming, taking photographs, or creating audio recordings of library collection material is responsible for compliance with intellectual property laws.
  2. Commercial or media filming, photography, and audio recording is permitted in the Reading Rooms and other agreed upon areas of State Library facilities with the advanced written approval of the State Library Communications Team as long as it does not interfere with conducting library business, the safety of the collections, the stewardship of the building, or library staff regular hours. Media inquiries must be facilitated through the Communications Office. The use of specialized equipment requires advanced written approval of the State Library Communications Team.
  3. Public events sponsored by the State Library may be filmed, photographed, or recorded by State Library staff or authorized representatives, for promotional and educational purposes. Attending State Library-sponsored events in-person or in virtual spaces constitutes attendees’ consent to use of such photographs, videos, and recordings at the sole discretion of the State Library. The State Library may use photographs, videos, or recordings from public events on its website, social media platforms, and in publications. Attendees will not be individually identified without their consent.


The purpose of this policy is to:

  1. Protect State Library employees and State Library patrons from filming, audio recording, and photography that interferes with the conduct of library business or infringes on the individual rights of State Library employees and patrons, and
  2. Promote authorized filming, photography, and audio recording activities that support the State Library’s mission and objectives, and
  3. Encourage use of State Library services and collections.


State Library visitors are responsible for:

  • Complying with this policy and staff and security personnel requests and
  • Securing the necessary permissions from those whose likenesses are captured.

State Library staff are responsible for:

  • Implementing and enforcing this policy in State Library spaces, both physical and virtual;
  • Verifying that commercial filming and photography has been approved by the Communications Office;
  • Contacting security personnel when visitors do not comply with this policy; and
  • Completing an incident report form within 24 hours of a security incident.

Communications Office is responsible for:

  • Reviewing and approving/denying commercial or media filming and photography requests;
  • Ensuring proper permits are acquired;
  • Escorting visitors through restricted areas;
  • Informing State Library staff when a commercial or media filming and/or photography request is approved and scheduled; and
  • Securing appropriate permissions from State Library event attendees that will be individually identified in State Library promotional materials.

Business Services Office is responsible for investigating and responding to reports as appropriate.

Security Personnel are responsible for:

  • Responding to reported incidents as appropriate and
  • General monitoring of buildings and security cameras if applicable.


Commercial Audio: Operations carried out by trained audio engineers. The capturing of sound with one or more microphones with intent to produce media content or any other commercial purpose.

Commercial or Media Filming: The film, electronic, magnetic, digital, or other recording of a moving image by a person, business, or other entity with the intent of creating content for a market audience or any other commercial purpose.

Commercial Photography: The taking of still or motion pictures of persons and things by a person to be used for a business or publication or any other valuable consideration, or for any other commercial purpose.

Non-Commercial Use: Photography, filming or audio recording by an individual, non-profit organization or business for educational or governmental purpose, for example, an expression of ideas or causes of an artistic, political, charitable, educational or cultural nature, and not to promote, sale or advertise goods and services or any other commercial gain or profit.  The State Library may carry out any photography, filming, or audio recording at its discretion.

Public area at State Library Facilities: For purposes of this policy, it means areas the public can access without staff assistance.
