Assistive Technology Lending Program


The Braille and Talking Book Library (BTBL) offers assistive technology devices free of charge to eligible patrons. This unique lending program expands reading opportunities for Californians by providing the means to access additional sources of reading material. These devices allow readers to take advantage of the Braille and Audio Reading Download (BARD) program to download books and start reading immediately rather than waiting for books in the mail. In the case of the magnifier, it expands reading opportunities for those with low vision by enlarging print on all sorts of materials such as menus, maps, instructions, photos, library catalogs and catalog order forms.

How to Borrow

Contact the BTBL at or (800) 952-5666 to request a device.

A borrower must be a registered patron of the BTBL before participating in the assistive technology lending program. BTBL supplies the equipment through an extended loan to patrons. The equipment must be returned to the BTBL for repairs, if a patron becomes ineligible, or due to device inactivity. The devices are not transferable to other libraries and must be returned if a patron moves out of BTBL’s regional boundaries.

If you are not currently a registered patron, you can submit an application. Please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria and service area requirements outlined in the Application for BTBL Service section.

Application for BTBL Service

The BTBL loans the following devices:

HumanWare Explore 5 Electronic Video Magnifier

The HumanWare Explore 5 is a compact and lightweight device. It has a 5-inch LCD screen, a camera, an image storage gallery, large tactile keys, and a retractable handle. The back of the unit contains two LED lights. The Explore 5 has a magnification range between 2X to 22X. This handheld magnifier can connect to another external display screen, like a TV or computer monitor, to enlarge text or images. Loan period: one-year; renewable

User Resources

Other User Resources

The Orbic Speed Mobile Hotspot

A Wi-Fi hotspot is an Internet access tool. The device has a default 2.4 Ghz Wi-Fi setting and will support up to five Wi-Fi enabled devices, with unlimited data. Patrons requesting a Wi-Fi hotspot must consent to the CSL Wi-Fi Agreement. Loan period: one-year; renewable

User Resources

HumanWare’s Victor Reader Stream 2

The Victor Reader Stream (VRS) is a handheld audio player. Users can listen to books, magazines, newspapers, Internet radio, music, and podcasts, using online or offline options. The Victor Reader Stream can directly connect to the following libraries:  NFB Newsline, Bookshare, and NLS BARD. Patrons must have a valid email address and an active BARD account prior to borrowing this device. Loan period: one-year; renewable

User Resources

Other User Resources

The NLS Braille eReader by HumanWare

The eReader has a 20-cell braille display and an eight-key, Perkins-style keyboard. When connected to Apple’s iPad, iPhone, Mac, or a Windows computer using screen reader software, the eReader acts as a braille display. The NLS Braille eReader is compatible with screen readers such as JAWS, NVDA and VoiceOver. This portable device has wireless and Bluetooth capabilities. Android and Chromebook platforms are currently incompatible with the NLS braille eReader. BTBL loans the eReader to patrons for the duration of their library membership.

NLS Braille eReader HumanWare How-To Video Series

Other User Resources


Patrons may contact the BTBL at or (800) 952-5666 to request a device’s renewal. The magnifiers, Wi-Fi hotspots and Victor Reader Streams may be renewed if a waiting list is not established and/or library recalls do not exist.

Training Opportunities

The Braille and Talking Book Library is providing online training opportunities for the Explore 5 Magnifier and Victor Reader Stream 2. Patrons may contact the BTBL at or (800) 952-5666 to request training information.