Interactive tools developed by California Research Bureau staff to provide a visual data snapshot of topics impacting California policymaking.

Interactive District Profiles
Provides a rich data snapshot of each California Assembly and Senate district highlighting demographic, economic, education and environmental information. The tool also allows for comparisons of data sets between Senate or Assembly districts, as well as provides county and statewide averages to compare against. Instruction on how to use this tool are in the tab labeled “How to Use Me.”
Developed at the request of the Senate Democratic Caucus.

Grants Portal Dashboard
Provides statistics about grant and loan opportunities available on the California Grants Portal. Data is updated every 24 hours.

You Count: California Homeless Data Hub
A first-of-its-kind California dashboard that provides up-to-date youth homelessness data—both statewide and broken down by each of the state’s 44 Continuums of Care. You Count provides multi-option data visualization on youth homelessness statistics across California, including rates among children and unaccompanied youth, K-12 students, and college students from a number of different sources.

Density Interactive
Shows the density of California Census tracts by legislative district and county. Includes a walkthrough and a tool to show how much of California is needed to reach a customizable portion of the population.

Residential Construction Dashboard
The dashboard provides wide ranging data on housing construction since 2001, by legislative district.

Single Family Housing Rentals
The dashboard allows users to explore data on single family residential parcels in California that are owned by large landlords.

Interactive District Demographics
Provides an updated snapshot of both the new and old California Assembly and Senate district highlighting demographic, economic, education and environmental information, provides rankings by district and allows comparisons between districts and years.
The updated version was request by the Assembly Office of Research. The original version of the district demographics was developed at the request of Senator Rubio.

Library Facilities Interactive
Analyzes library facility needs identified through the 2021 survey of CA Public Library Outlets by legislative district.

Legislative Demographics
Analysis of the demographics of the California State Legislature and its evolution over time. Data compiled and updated by the California Research Bureau. Developed at the request of the Legislature. Data is typically updated after each general and special election.

California Regions
Compares the various ways California governments define regions, including regional maps & analysis of the frequency which each county is included in the same region as others. Updated by request. Developed at the request of the Governor’s Office of Planning & Research.

Economic Impacts of National Security Spending
Provides detailed results from the latest report on the Economic Impacts of National Security Spending in California. The report is produced annually at the request of the Governor’s Office of Planning & Research and the Governor’s Military Council.
See the Economic Impacts of National Security Spending dataset