National Technical Information Service — National Technical Reports Library (NTIS NTRL) Research Guide
About the National Technical Information Service
Originally called the Publication Board, the National Technical Information Service was created after World War II. The purpose was to serve as the scientific research and information repository for the United States Government. The National Technical Information Service maintains a collection that includes millions of documents. The National Technical Reports Library provides access to a large collection of historical and current government technical reports. More than 800,000 documents are available in full text within the NTRL database.
Finding National Technical Information Services Publications
You can find National Technical Information Services publications in the California State Library’s online catalog. In the advanced search, select “Author/Creator” and type in United States. National Technical Information Service.
If you are searching for a particular document, you can select “Title” and “contains” from the drop-down menus for the next search box and enter important words from the title.
You can also add keywords or controlled subject terms to find National Technical Information Service documents on specific topics or narrow by date or material type.
The California State Library has an expansive collection of NTIS microfiche. Our collection totals over 1 million documents on microfiche. Not all of these documents may be included in the California State Library’s online catalog. Although a specific document may not be in the library’s catalog, if the document is a technical document created by the Federal government there is a high degree of likelihood that we have the document in microfiche format.
National Technical Information Service/ National Technical Research Library publications online
The NTIS/NTRL website is offered free for public use by the United States Department of Commerce. The best way to find NTIS documents is through the NTRL Database.
If a NTIS/NTRL document is not available in full text online through the database, there is a high degree of possibility that the California State Library has this document in microfiche format.
Notable and Interesting National Technical Information Service Publications
U. S. Atlantic Fleet, Task Force 87, Operation Plan No. 1-44. – 1944

ANVIL is the name assigned to an amphibious operation launched against SOUTHERN FRANCE in the area FREJUS-SAINT TROPEZ with the objective to capture TOULON and MARSEILLES, The operation is designed to give the maximum support to Allied Forces in NORMANDY by occupying the maximum enemy strength in SOUTHERN FRANCE. The ground forces are both American and French, and are under the command of Major General Patch, USA, Commanding General, 7th Army. Naval forces include American, British, French, Polish and Creek, and are under the command of Vice Admiral Hewitt, U.S.N, Naval Commander Western Task Force. The assaulting ground forces are commanded by Major General Truscott, U.S.A,, Commanding General VI Corps, and include the 3rd, 45th and Divisions.
Operation SANDSTONE: 1948. – 1983

SANDSTONE was a three-detonation atmospheric nuclear weapon test series conducted during the spring of 1948 at Enewetak Atoll in the Marshall Islands. Report emphasis is on the radiological safety of the personnel. Available records on personnel exposure are summarized.