AmpliFund Award Management Instructions
Starting a New Narrative Report
- Login to AmpliFund, from the landing page, click on Grant Management, then Grants.
- Select your applicable grant from the list by clicking on the name.
- Click on Custom in the top toolbar and select the appropriate report from the drop-down menu. If you are unsure which report(s) you should be submitting, check with your Grant Monitor.
- Click on the plus icon (+) in the upper right-hand corner. This will open a blank report form.
- Important to note: the report does not auto-save. As you enter information in the report form, scroll down to the bottom to click “Save as Draft” to ensure you do not lose any work.
- When you are ready to submit the report, click Submit.
- You may have multiple report forms for the reporting period. Once you have completed and submitted all reports, be sure to mark the task as complete (see the Tasks and Reminders Instructions below).
Continuing Work on a Saved Narrative Report or Editing a Previously Submitted Narrative Report
- Login to AmpliFund, from the landing page, click on Grant Management, then on Grants.
- Select your applicable grant from the list by clicking on the name.
- Click on Custom and select the appropriate report from the drop-down menu. If you are unsure which report(s) you should be submitting, check with your Grant Monitor.
- You should now see a report with your Project Name with the Status “Draft.” If you are making requested edits to a submitted report, and it is not in draft status, reach out to your grant monitor.
- Click on the pencil icon to continue working on the report.
- Important to note: the report does not auto-save. As you enter information in the report form, scroll down to the bottom to click “Save as Draft” to ensure you do not lose any work.
- When you are ready to submit the report, click Submit.
Financial Reporting
Completing the Financial Report is a two-step process:
- Add Expenses from the reporting period into AmpliFund.
- Create a Reporting Period report and submit it to the State Library.
Step 1: Adding Expenses
To create an expense entry, complete the following tasks:
- Login to AmpliFund, from the landing page, click on Grant Management, then Grants.
- Select your applicable grant from the list by clicking on the name.
- Click on Post Award, then Financial, then Expenses. This will take you to the expense entry page. From this page you can view any expenses that have already been entered by award and enter new expenses.
- Under “Actions,” click on the plus icon (+) to create an expense. This will take you to the expense entry screen.
- On the expense entry screen:
- General Tab:
- Grant Award: pre-selected, but you can use the drop down if you need to change to a different award.
- Category and Line Item: select the appropriate category and line item for the expense.
- Expenses must be rounded to the nearest dollar.
- If you did not spend any money in a Budget Category you must log an Expense for $0.
- At least one expense should be logged for each Budget Category, including categories where no funds are allocated.
- Item Type: Non-Personnel Line Item (this entry cannot be changed)
- Direct Cost: Enter the total expense amount, including any match, in-kind or other funding under the direct cost section.
- Example: An expense for Services in the reporting period January 1, 2024 – March 30, 2024 was funded with $300 grant funds and $500 match funds, the direct cost entered is $800
- Exclude from Match: If no match, in-kind or other funding will be entered against this expense, check the “exclude from match” box.
- Responsible Individual and Created By fields will auto-populate.
- Expense Date: Change to the last day of the reporting period.
- Expense Status: Change to Reviewed.
- Payment Status: This field will auto-populate to “New”
- Payee: Leave the default in place. This field is not used.
- Description: Enter a description of the items included in the expense. Provide enough detail to verify allowability, and include any necessary details needed such as amounts, vendor names, number of items or salary/wages information.
- Example: The description should include the details of the items purchased. “Program supplies for children’s events: crayons $26.00, 50 animal craft kits including construction paper, google eyes, glue, beads and pipe cleaners $100.00, and 20 microscopes $742.00.”
- General Tab:
- Financials Tab:
- Cash Match: Enter the match for the expense. Using the example listed under Direct Cost the entry for cash match is $500.
- In-Kind Amount: Enter the In-Kind amount for the expense.
- Other Funding Amount: Enter the Other Funding amount for the expense.
- Select the “Dollar” option for all categories. Amounts must be shown as a dollar amount and not a percentage.
- Return to the General tab to continue
- Attachments Tab: Not required.
- Create
- If you have additional Budget Category expenses for this reporting period repeat tasks 4-8.
Important Notes
Do not enter expenses for future Reporting Periods until after you have received an approved, signed copy of the previous Reporting Period report.
If you need to report an expense for a Reporting Period that is closed, enter it as listed above and date it within the corresponding reporting period. Notify your Grant Monitor so they can reopen the correct Reporting Period report. Once it is open, re-run and close the Reporting Period report.
Amplifund provides additional information on entering expenses.
Step 2: AmpliFund – Completing the Reporting Period Financial Report
To create a Reporting Period Financial Report complete the following tasks:
- Navigate to Grant Management then Grants.
- Select the applicable grant from the list by clicking on the Name.
- Click on Post Award, then Management, then Reporting Periods.
- Once in the reporting period entry area, click on the plus icon (+) in the upper right-hand corner to create a reporting period.
- When the pop-up window appears, select the check box for Expenses.
- Then from the date period drop down select the relevant reporting period date range.
- Click Save. This will create your reporting period record and navigate you to the Reporting Periods Details Page.
Reporting Periods Details Page
- Status: Open
- Expenses
- Overall Expense Details
- Total Awarded Amount: Auto entered, if this is incorrect reach out to the grant monitor.
- Total Expense Amount for Report Period: This amount is calculated from all the “Reviewed” expenses you entered in the expense section in Step 1.
- Number of Unreviewed Expenses: This should show 0. If a number is listed, click on the number. This will take you to the expense entry screen, mark expenses as “Reviewed.”
- Comments: Not required.
- Attachments: Not required.
- Expense Analytics: Disregard this section. These analytics are not used by the State Library and may not be accurate for your award.
- Expenses Closeout: Ensure all Budget Categories are selected and included in the report. Ignore the Budgeted Amount listed in this grid. It is calculating in a way that the State Library does not use and will be inaccurate.
- Save: Save will allow you to save your work and come back to edit or submit/close.
- Close: Close will submit the report. Once closed, you cannot make any edits.
- Select Close again in the confirmation pop-up.
- Once you have submitted all reports, be sure to mark the task as complete (see the Tasks and Reminders Instructions).
When you close the Reporting Period, both the Reporting Period and the associated Expenses cannot be edited further. If you need to edit or add an expense to the Reporting Period after the report is closed contact your Grant Monitor.
Editing a Submitted Expense
From your award record navigate to Post Award in the top menu. Select Financial then Expenses.
Using the filters find the expenses you need to edit. To see all expenses leave the Budget and Line-Item dropdown menus blank and select “All” for the Time Frame. Click Run. A listing of expenses will populate in the table below based on your filters.
To edit an expense, select the pencil icon in the Description field. If the Description field is not showing select the down arrow on any of the table headings, select columns and then make sure Description is checked.
Make the necessary edits and select Save. Review the Adding an Expense instructions for assistance.
Editing a Rejected Reporting Period Report
Before editing a reporting period report make sure you have all the necessary corrections to your expenses.
- From your award record navigate to Post Award in the top menu. Select Management then Reporting Period.
- Locate the reporting period you are editing and click on the Reporting Period Start Date to reopen the report. Note the status should say “Rejected.”
- Review the Reporting Period Report based on the Reporting Period Report Instructions.
- Once the report is correct select Close. This action will close the reporting period and resubmit the report to your Grant Monitor.
Grant Amendments
All amendments must be submitted at least 30 days prior to your project end date.
- Login to AmpliFund, from the landing page, click on Grant Management, then Grants.
- Select your applicable grant from the list by clicking on the name.
- From the Grant Details page click on Post-Award, then Management and then Amendments.
- Click the + in the upper, right-hand corner to start a new Amendment request.
- Use the following naming convention to name the request: Grant Number_Offical Grantee Name_Date Submitted. Example: LS-P-24-15_City of Pawnee_09.02.24
- Select the areas this amendment is requesting. See instructions below for more details for each amendment type. Note: the State Library does not use the Amendment Type “Performance Goals.”
Awarded Amount
Complete this section if you are returning funds from your award back to the State Library or requesting additional funding for your total award.
Reach out to the project team to discuss the need for a change to the awarded amount before submitting this request in Amplifund.
- Requested Total Awarded Amount: Enter the new amount you are requesting.
- Justification: You must include a detailed explanation for the change in grant amount.
- A Budget Amendment (previously referred to as a budget modification) must also be submitted showing the increase or decrease in funds to the budget (see instructions below).
Award Duration
Complete this section if you are requesting an extension to your grant end date.
- Requested End Date: Enter the new requested end date for the project. Note all funds must be expended and all project activities must be complete by this date.
- Justification: The justification must include the following:
- Why a revised grant end date is needed.
- How the proposed end date will help you accomplish the project goals.
Complete this section if you are requesting changes to your approved budget (previously referred to as a budget modification).
View the tutorial on the new Budget Line Item Amendment process.
- Current Budget: Click Download Budget.
- Open downloaded excel file and save to your computer using file convention name: Grant Number_Offical Grantee Name_Date Submitted. Example: LS-P-24-15_City of Pawnee_09.02.24
- The downloaded file shows your current approved budget. Adjust your budget using the bulleted instructions below
- To add a new line item, include a Category, Line Item name, Line Item Type, and Total Budgeted (Direct Cost) at a minimum (include match or other more granular budget details as required).
- Total Budgeted (Direct Cost) includes both the awarded funds and any match, in-kind or other funds for the line item.
- Then include only the match amount in the Cash Match, In-kind, or Other funding columns.
- To remove a line item delete the line item from the file
- To change total budgeted for a line item update the Total Budgeted (Direct Cost). If necessary, update the corresponding Cash Match, In-kind, or Other funding columns.
- To add, remove or change a match amount, update the Match Value columns.
- If necessary, update the corresponding Total Budgeted (Direct Cost).
- To add a new line item, include a Category, Line Item name, Line Item Type, and Total Budgeted (Direct Cost) at a minimum (include match or other more granular budget details as required).
- Save the file.
- (Return to AmpliFund Amendment) Budget Revision: Upload saved version of the file back to the AmpliFund amendment.
- If you need to make corrections, edit the saved excel file again and reupload to the amendment.
- Summary of Narrative Changes: Add a narrative summary of the changes made.
- Review the Summary of Proposed Changes
- If you need to make further edits, go back to the saved excel file, adjust as needed, and re-upload excel file to the amendment
- Justification: Add a Justification, details must include:
- Why funds can be moved out of the category they are currently in and still accomplish the project goals.
- Why funds need to be moved into the category you are requesting and how they support the project goals.
- Details on what the funds will be spent on. Provide enough detail to determine the allowability of the items and any required elements noted in the application instructions for the budget.
- Click Save to return and finish later or Submit to submit your finalized amendment to your funder
Important File Reminders
- Do not change the column headers text.
- Do not delete the columns identified with an asterisk (*).
- The Actuals columns are for reference only and changing the amounts in the spreadsheet will not result in any changes in AmpliFund.
- The Grant Budgeted column is for reference only and changing in the spreadsheet will not result in any changes in AmpliFund.
- If the document uploads to AmpliFund and shows extra blank rows, return to the excel document, highlight and delete the 30 rows after your last entry. Save and reupload. If this does not remove the extra lines reach out to your Grant Monitor for assistance.
Edit a Rejected Amendment
- Login to AmpliFund, from the landing page, click on Grant Management, then Grants.
- Select your applicable grant from the list by clicking on the name.
- From the Grant Details page, click on Post-Award, then Management and then Amendments.
- Locate the amendment you need to edit from the list and select the pencil icon.
- Adjust as requested. (See instructions for submitting an amendment.) Once complete select Submit.
Using Tasks and Reminders
Tasks are email reminders to submit items. They are not connected to the report submission. You must resolve tasks separately to end the email reminders.
- Login to AmpliFund, from the landing page, click on Grant Management, then Grants.
- Select your applicable grant from the list by clicking on the name
- Click on Tools in the top toolbar and select Tasks. This will populate a list of tasks.
- Locate the Task for the item you completed and select the checkmark by the Name.
- The Task status should now say “Completed.”