Play for All

The Play for All funding opportunity provides grants to help California libraries design and create welcoming family play spaces and offer meaningful programming around play for marginalized young children. The purpose of these grants is to support libraries in addressing the barriers and inequitable access to quality play spaces and play-based programming young children may experience in marginalized, under-resourced, and underserved communities.


  • Grant opportunity opens: January 10, 2024
  • 2024-2025 LSTA Information Session: Recording Available
  • Grant opportunity closes: March 6, 2024 at 12:00 noon
  • Application review period: April 2024
  • Application status and selection notification: May 2024
  • Grant period begins: July 1, 2024
  • Grant period ends: June 30, 2025

Awards will be made after federal IMLS funding levels are confirmed for 2024-2025 and the 2024-2025 California State budget has passed. Successful applicants can expect to receive project funds up to 8 to 10 weeks after the payment claim form is received by the State Library.


Research shows that play is essential to a young child’s development. California State Library’s 2021 white paper Together, Learning More! documents the influential role play has in a young child’s cognitive, social, and emotional skills development, and that a range of play experiences is important for well-rounded development:

Play CharacteristicInfluence on Development
Imaginary PlayCreativity, Reasoning, Empathy
Social PlaySelf-regulation, Pro-social skills, Language development
Physical PlayFine motor skills, Scientific thinking, Language development
Game PlayExecutive functions, Reasoning, Creativity (when open-ended)
From Together, Learning More! Interactive Family Learning in California’s Libraries, p. 21

However, many of California’s young children do not have equitable access to safe spaces to play and learn. This opportunity will support libraries in providing access to quality play spaces and play-based programming for young children in marginalized, under-resourced, and underserved communities.

Project Details

California libraries can apply for grant funding to support:

  • Staff time to co-design, coordinate, and implement play-based programs.
  • Purchases of mobile and/or child-friendly furnishings, manipulatives, and materials to create play spaces for young children.
  • Services from community organizations including parenting workshops and presentations about play-based child development.
  • Participation in professional development workshops to gain knowledge and skills around play-based programming and spaces.
  • Outreach and promotion of play resources and programs.
  • Any additional allowable expenditures that help libraries provide young children access to play. Please note that if grant funds will be used to pay for a service from a community organization or organizations, those organization(s) cannot be considered as a partner in the application.

Applicants must refer to the application instructions for full details about allowable and unallowable expenses.

Successful applicants will be required to survey participants in order to measure the impact of their programs. Survey questions will be provided by the California State Library.

Project staff funded through this opportunity make a commitment to participate in the following:

  • Connect with marginalized, under-resourced, and underserved communities
  • Participate in virtual Community of Practice meetings
  • Attend professional development trainings centered on the topic of play

The Play for All LSTA-funded projects meet Goal 4 of the California Library Services and Technology Act Investment Plan 2023–2027: Strengthen equitable resource-sharing and access to information, services, and opportunity with an emphasis on local community strengths and challenges.

Eligibility and Requirements

California libraries may apply for funding.

  • Minimum funding request: $10,000 
  • Maximum funding request: $75,000 

Applicants should have at least one community connection in place before submitting an application.

In order for projects to be funded through LSTA they must:

To Apply

Please be sure to review the Application Instructions thoroughly. Use the link included below to access the online 2024-2025 Play for All application. A separate budget form and certification and signature form must be completed and submitted with the online application.

This grant application period closed March 6, 2024.


Email with questions.