Teens Succeed

The Teens Succeed opportunity provides grant funding for teen internships, with a focus on developing teens’ social emotional learning and workforce readiness skills. The purpose of this grant program is to address the challenges teens face in the aftereffects of the pandemic and to help prepare youth for success in life.


  • Grant opportunity opens: January 10, 2024
  • 2024-2025 LSTA Information Session: Recording Available
  • Grant opportunity closes: March 6, 2024 at 12:00 noon
  • Application review period: April 2024
  • Application status and selection notification: May 2024
  • Grant period begins: July 1, 2024
  • Grant period ends: June 30, 2025

Awards will be made after federal IMLS funding levels are confirmed for 2024-2025 and the 2024-2025 California State budget has passed. Successful applicants can expect to receive project funds up to 8 to 10 weeks after the payment claim form is received by the State Library.


In the aftermath of the pandemic, teens are facing significant social emotional learning and mental health challenges. In 2021, the U.S. Surgeon General released a Youth Mental Health Advisory report that showed significant increases in symptoms of anxiety and depression during the pandemic. The report recommends that youth should be provided with opportunities for social emotional learning in spaces where their voices are elevated and valued. Libraries are well positioned to support teens as they grow through these challenges and advance into adulthood.

Projects funded through this opportunity will create teen internship programs and engage those interns in a social emotional learning curriculum. Teens will bring their leadership and voice to the projects they design and facilitate as interns. Project staff members at participating libraries will evaluate teen growth using the Search Institute’s Developmental Assets Framework.

Project Details

Libraries can apply for grant funding to conduct the following types of activities:

  • Salaries for library staff to manage, mentor and develop the teen interns and internships.
  • Wages for the teen interns.
  • Supplies needed to carry out programming.
  • Outreach and promotion of project programs.
  • Social emotional learning training for library staff and teen interns.
  • Other project activities that are integral and necessary for the completion of project goals. Please note that if grant funds will be used to pay for a service from a community organization or organizations, those organization(s) cannot be considered as a partner in the application.

Applicants must refer to the application instructions for full details about allowable and unallowable expenses.

Project staff funded through this opportunity make a commitment to participate in the following:

  • Connect with marginalized, under-resourced, and underserved communities.
  • Attend professional development trainings centered on the topic of teen development, mental health, and social emotional learning.
  • Participate in community of practice meetings with a cohort of libraries to share best practices and discuss outcomes evaluation with peers.

Libraries will be required to track outcomes related to the project.  Libraries should anticipate tracking outcomes by using:

  • The LSTA outcomes surveys.
  • Other tools from the Search Institute’s Developmental Assets Framework, to be identified by the California State Library.

The Teens Succeed LSTA-funded projects meet Goal 4 of the California Library Services and Technology Act Investment Plan 2023–2027: Strengthen equitable resource-sharing and access to information, services, and opportunity with an emphasis on local community strengths and challenges.

Eligibility and Requirements

California libraries may apply for funding.

  • Minimum funding request: $50,000 
  • Maximum funding request: $75,000 

Applicants should have at least one community connection in place before submitting an application.

In order for projects to be funded through LSTA they must:

To Apply

Please be sure to review the Application Instructions thoroughly. Use the link included below to access the online 2024-2025 Teens Succeed application. A separate budget form and certification and signature form must be completed and submitted with the online application.

This grant application period is open from January 10, 2024 to March 6, 2024.


Email teenssucceed@library.ca.gov with questions.