Patent and Trademark Resource Center

Patent and Trademark resource center

The Patent and Trademark Resource Center at the California State Library is available to answer general questions about patents and trademarks over the phone and via email. We also offer one-on-one consultations virtually or in-person. Please contact us if you would like to schedule an appointment with a Patent and Trademark specialist.

  • Are you curious about patents?
  • Would you like to learn about trademarks?
  • Would you like some help to get started?

The California State Library has been a United States Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) designated Patent and Trademark Resource Center (PTRC), originally called a Patent and Trademark Depository Library, since 1979. Library staff can assist with general questions and provide assistance and instruction in the use of patent and trademark resources.

We provide access to the electronic and print patent and trademark resources the USPTO makes available to PTRCs and the public, all of which are available at no cost. For instance, we have a current collection of full-color plant patents available in print.

Please note that staff cannot perform patent or trademark searches for individuals and cannot give legal advice. For legal advice, please contact a registered patent attorney or agent. More specialized questions should be directed to the USPTO.


Do you have an idea or invention that you want to patent? Read up on the basics of the United States patent process and learn how to perform a thorough patent search.


Do you want to protect your company name or logo in the United States? Read up on trademark basics and search to see if someone already has trademarked your name or design. Or learn more about trademarking your name in California from the Secretary of State.

Scam Prevention

Because patent and trademark information is publically available, the USPTO has resources available to help rights holders protect themselves from popular scams including unsolicited communication that at first glance appear to be “official” but are not actually from the USPTO. Learn how to protect yourself and your intellectual property with information from the USPTO about Scam Prevention.

Contact Us

Library staff can be contacted by email at or by phone at (916) 323-9843, Monday through Friday, 9:30 am to 4:00 pm, excluding state holidays.

Please contact us by phone or email prior to visiting the Patent and Trademark Resource Center. Appointments are strongly recommended to ensure that a PTRC representative will be available to assist you.