California Libraries Learn (CALL): Fostering Learning and Growth in California Libraries

To promote excellence in our state’s public libraries, the State Library places high priority on training and networking for California’s library staff. California Libraries Learn (CALL) is a collaborative project of the California Library Association and the California State Library that helps California public library staff grow with their communities. Our calendar is filled with free learning opportunities. We maintain a continuing education blog, and CALL Academy is available 24/7.
CALL Resources
The CALL grant partners with quality training and learning providers to bring professional development to public libraries in the state. Find out more through the following resources.
- Portal: Landing page, current week of events and featured messages.
- Calendar: A calendar view of all scheduled CALL events, including descriptions and registration details.
- Academy: Access by topic to self-paced learning and California specific content. Note: You will need to create a free account to access this content.
- Newsletter: Subscribe to a weekly update of upcoming events.
- Continuing Education Blog: Learning tips, highlights of upcoming training, and featured author posts.
If you currently work in a public, school, special, or academic library in California you are eligible for continuing education provided through this project. For many opportunities, you are required to fill out an evaluation that will help the CALL project develop future programs. For some opportunities, we may ask you to share back what you have learned with the wider library community.
Contact Us
Bev Schwartzberg, Library Programs Consultant, California State Library
Lisa Barnhart, Project Manager, California Library Association
This project is a collaboration of the California State Library and the California Library Association and is supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.