
Learner Recruitment, Intake, and Assessment

Learner Recruitment

Strategies for Recruitment

Adult learner recruitment, especially the recruitment of native English speakers (who may feel more stigmatized), can be challenging despite there being a strong need for the service throughout much of California. This challenge may be greater or lesser, or present differently, depending on each library’s community. Therefore, effective recruitment strategies will always need to be considered in light of your local population and any special circumstances or needs that may exist. In other words, what works well for one program, may not work as well for another. With that in mind, here are the top ten strategies recommended by CLLS programs across the state.

  • Word of mouth
  • Information in the library and/or shared by library staff
  • Flyers, postcards, posters, banners, and other materials
  • Community organizations
  • Social media
  • Information booths
  • Presentations at clubs and events
  • City/community publications
  • Internet, such as the library’s VolunteerMatch page and/or literacy web page
  • Radio advertisements

Considerations for Messaging

In order for any of these strategies to maximize their effectiveness, messages need to carefully consider the intended audience and tailor the language and images. Extra care should be taken with any messaging intended to directly reach learners, especially when written language is involved. Here are a few specifics to consider: 

  • Language level: vocabulary, phrasing, sentence structure
  • Tone: positive, asset-based
  • Images that represent a variety of learners and tutors

It is ideal to get learner feedback before widespread distribution, if possible. Even better, as well as providing a great leadership opportunity, would be to identify learner ambassadors to help recruit new learners in targeted areas of the community.


The learner intake process is a first opportunity to gather information about the learner and their goals. Here is a basic overview of some key steps and components to address:

  • Verify needs and goals are a good fit for the program, per CLLS guidelines
  • Learner educational background/experience
  • Current goals and timeline
  • General strengths and interests (What are they good at? What do they enjoy doing in their free time? What do they enjoy learning about? etc.)


To conduct your intake, some tools to consider are:

  • Intake form
  • Interview
  • Roles & Goals form
  • Roles & Goals mind map

Goals: Digging Deeper

Learners often have a difficult time being specific about their goals and may make very general comments like “I just want to read better.” It’s better to start with a general conversation than the Roles & Goals form, which can be overwhelming in its scope. Here are some suggestions for digging deeper:

  • In what specific situations do you want to improve your skills? What, where, when, why, with whom, etc.?
  • What do you currently need help with that you’d like to be able to do yourself? (Examples may include reading and sorting mail, filling out forms, reading medicine labels, reading and responding to teacher notes or emails, etc.)
  • Do you have a family member or friend who currently does certain things for you? What if that person were no longer able/around to help you? What would you need to learn how to do?
  • What do you avoid doing or not do as much as you’d like to because of your current reading/writing/math/digital skill level? 


Before beginning with a tutor, each learner needs to be assessed to determine their starting literacy level, specific instructional needs and, which will then determine the learning materials that will be most appropriate for them. There can also be ongoing assessment to determine progress towards meeting goals and any additional needs that may arise.

Literacy Skills Assessments

What reading and writing skills do they have, and what are their areas of improvement? Do they need to address speaking/listening, numeracy/math, or digital skills as well?

When addressing reading skills, it is extremely important to remember to specifically assess for phonemic awareness, which is a foundational reading skill that is often not included in textbook placement tests or standardized tests.

Types of Assessment: Informal and Formal

Adult Learner Assessment: Idea Source Book

Informal assessments may include things like an application and interview, whether the learner can independently complete the application, did they use technology to complete it, did they hand write it and what does their handwriting and spelling look like? With an informal interview, what is their spoken language like (vocabulary, grammar, fluency)? The spoken language assessment may apply to native English speakers as well as non-native. Note areas of strength and areas of improvement and consider how these strengths may be used to compensate for or facilitate skill improvement.

Self-assessments may be another kind of useful, informal assessment (see Idea Book). This can also be a good tool for narrowing down literacy-related goals.

Formal assessments include paper-based or online tests that are scored. There are free textbook placement tests (see examples below) and, of course, fee-based, standardized assessments like CASAS, BEST, GAIN, and TABE. California adult schools use CASAS. Reminder: Many of these fee-based, standardized assessments do not include assessment of phonemic awareness, so a separate assessment of this important skill should be added since many adult literacy learners have a reading disability and may be weak in this fundamental reading skill.

Tip: When speaking to learners about any formal assessments, in general taking care with the language (and tone) you use is a good idea in order to not increase any anxiety they may have, which could negatively skew their results as well. On the other hand, it can be difficult to use simple language without also using a word like “test.” It may be better, when possible, to describe the process and purpose in simple terms. Or use a term like “placement test” and explain it is only to give you information about their level to choose the best study materials for them. There is no passing or failing the test.

Free Textbook Placement Tests and Unit Check-ups

Screenings: Learning Disabilities

Other kinds of “assessments” or screenings that may be helpful are those used to identify possible learning differences or disabilities.

Ongoing Assessment: Measuring Progress

Ongoing assessment will revolve primarily around the learner progressing towards and meeting their identified literacy-related goals as noted on the Roles and Goals form, although often improving more measurable, discrete literacy skills will significantly contribute to reaching these goals. It may also be informal or formal but can be more difficult to incorporate and track, depending on how large the program is, how many learners/pairs you need to follow up with, and how difficult it may be to measure progress towards a particular goal. However, it is important to more intentionally incorporate ongoing assessment so that learners meet their goals more quickly and efficiently.

Addressing ongoing assessment as part of tutor training may help so that volunteer tutors are more consciously considering this as they work through materials. Instead of just “getting through” a book without assessing how well the learner has mastered different concepts, skills, or knowledge, a tutor will want to check in with the learner and help the learner practice those elements that need strengthening.

Ongoing skill assessment may be just checking mastery of skills and strategies covered in learning materials and re-teaching material or providing more practice as needed; it may use textbook unit check-ups or unit final activities to measure progress. More formal assessment may include testing the learner again after six months or a year to compare progress against their initial formal assessment.

Additional Resources

The following resources can help you get started with learner recruitment, intake, and assessment:

Volunteer Recruitment and Onboarding

Tutors and other volunteers are fundamental to the success of California Library Literacy Services. One of the values of the California Library Literacy Services is that literacy services are volunteer supported. Volunteers are advocates for the library and its literacy services. Volunteers help library literacy programs reflect the library’s community. In turn, programs enrich volunteers’ lives by helping them develop expertise to succeed in the roles they play in the program, opening avenues of meaningful connections with others, and providing opportunities to practice and support lifelong learning in their community.

Finding Volunteers

Finding volunteers is ongoing work for literacy volunteer programs like California Library Literacy Services. It is important to develop an ongoing recruitment plan to meet the needs of a literacy program. Some questions to consider include:

  • Who are your current volunteers?
  • What motivates your volunteers?
  • What kinds of volunteer opportunities do you have?
  • What expectations do you have for volunteers, such as background, experience, time commitment, and others?
  • What kinds of initial and ongoing support do your offer volunteers?

Getting to Know Your Current Volunteers

Getting to know your current volunteers is a great way to understand your volunteers’ strengths, the audience they represent, and what motivates them to volunteer. This information will help you create targeted recruitment materials and identify places to recruit similar volunteers.

Knowing your current volunteers is also important to identify areas where you would like to develop or grow your volunteer team, especially in a way that is representative of your adult learner community. You may find that you need more volunteers who are bilingual or multilingual, who represent specific communities in your area, who have a particular background or skill, or other needs. This information will help you craft recruitment materials to meet this need.

For California Library Literacy Services, volunteer tutors make up most volunteers in the program. However, volunteers can do other tasks, such as administrative support or program support, that does not involve tutoring or teaching.

Identifying Volunteer Opportunities

Once you have audited your current volunteer team and identified potential needs, you can begin crafting volunteer job descriptions. A volunteer job description describes the opportunity, sets expectations for duties and responsibilities, highlights minimum requirements, and other information. A strong volunteer job description helps set the tone to ensure potential volunteers understand the work they are signing up for. Remember to always consult your library’s volunteer policy and procedures.

Volunteer position description examples:

Promoting Volunteer Opportunities

Now, you are ready to recruit for volunteers. A mix of targeted and general volunteer recruitment strategies is helpful to get a sense of what works in your community for specific volunteers.

A few places to begin your volunteer search are:

  • Within your literacy program: Your adult learners may be ready for the next step in their learning and leadership journey. Adult learners are great at recruiting other learners and providing learning opportunities, such as being a one-on-one tutor for a beginning English learner, since they know firsthand what being an adult learner is all about.
  • At the library: Your library may already have volunteers that are willing to take on another volunteer role or transition into a new role. It is also important to make it easy to volunteer on your library’s website.
  • Work with community partners: Your community partners already have extensive community connections that are a valuable route for volunteer recruitment.
  • Social media: Your community may use different social media platforms that are a great way to connect with new audiences. All California Library Literacy Services programs have access to a VolunteerMatch account to help manage volunteer recruitment. Remember to take advantage of the tools available through VolunteerMatch.
  • Community Outreach: Your library’s participation in community outreach is another opportunity to recruit volunteers, especially in targeted communities. Community outreach includes attending community events, speaking at local services clubs like Kiwanis, Lions Club, and others. Taking advantage of local newspapers, radio and TV stations, and websites are other ways to reach your local community.

Ongoing volunteer recruitment is vital for an active literacy program. Many literacy programs use a combination of these volunteer recruitment strategies to build and maintain their volunteer program.

Volunteer Application

Once you’ve started advertising your volunteer opportunities, the next step is to have volunteers complete an application. The application is a good place to capture basic tutor information, such as availability, background, experience, skills, and other information. Remember to review your library’s volunteer policies and procedures.

Your volunteer application should be easy to find on your library’s website to reduce barriers and maintain the interest of potential volunteers.

Volunteer application examples:

As you receive applicants, screen their applications for qualities and skills that align with your volunteer needs. Then, invite these applicants to an interview.

Volunteer Interview

After application, the next step is to get to know the potential volunteer to make sure they are a good fit for your program. Being a literacy volunteer is quite different than other volunteer opportunities. In this role, volunteers work closely with adult learners and must keep track of specific types of data about their work. Be clear about the responsibilities and expectations for this role from the beginning. It is important volunteers are comfortable with this type of environment to be successful as a literacy volunteer.

If the interview goes well, invite your potential volunteers to attend a volunteer orientation and tutor training to complete the onboarding process.

Additional Resources

Tutor Training

The Need for Volunteer Training

One of the California Library Literacy Services Program Essentials is that volunteer tutors are provided with tutor training before starting to work with a learner. Working with adult learners is a unique opportunity that requires targeted skills. Volunteer training is an important way to develop and reinforce your volunteers’ abilities because:

  • Volunteers often come from a variety of backgrounds, with many great skills but little or no experience in literacy.
  • Even volunteers with experience in education may not have worked with adults in learner-driven environments.
  • All tutors need an understanding of learner-centered tutoring vs. curriculum-centered tutoring.

The initial tutor training provides a foundation for volunteer tutors to begin tutoring. Another aspect of training is to provide ongoing training opportunities to continue developing and reinforcing volunteers’ skills and abilities.

Tutoring Training Models

Tutor training is typically five to seven hours in length although many programs offer longer training and all programs should offer continuing education for volunteers. A variety of tutor training models exist including in-person, virtual, hybrid, and “just-in-time.”


  • Held in person at the tutoring or other site and led by a staff member or trained volunteer
  • Pros:
    • Gives the opportunity to get to know the tutors, which can help with matching
    • Provides hands-on practice with materials
  • Cons:
    • Must be offered on a regular schedule
    • Dependent on staffing levels
    • May be less convenient for tutors

Virtual: Synchronous or Asynchronous

  • Generally held as an online program either as an instructor-led scheduled program (synchronous) or as an on-demand recorded program or video(s) (asynchronous).
  • Pros:
    • An on-demand program is readily available for tutors
    • Virtual training allows for many tutors to be trained at the same time
    • If literacy tutoring is provided virtually, it provides an opportunity to make sure that the potential tutors have and know how to use the technology.
  • Cons:
    • Changes may be difficult to make depending on the medium used
    • It may be more difficult to get a sense of the tutor’s appropriateness as a tutor


  • Generally held as a combination of in-person and virtual or online sessions
  • Pros:
    • Has the pros of both the in-person and the virtual models
  • Cons:
    • Has both the cons of both the in-person and the virtual models, which can result in additional work to maintain the training


  • Not a model by itself, but a way of delivering training on a schedule that provides the information needed by the tutor close to the time that it is needed for the learner.
  • Pros:
    • Helps reduce the “forgetting curve” that happens between the time that tutors are trained and matched
    • Builds confidence because tutors can quickly apply what they have learned
  • Cons:
    • Can be difficult to schedule
    • Requires more management to keep track of the trainings

Considerations for Tutor Training

Take these factors into consideration as you plan your tutor training model:

  • Existing model/materials
    • What model and supporting materials do you currently have? Are they effective?
    • Do your tutors feel prepared and confident to tutor when they complete training?
  • Volume of new tutors
    • Does the method you offer support the number of potential tutors coming into the program?
  • Staffing
    • Do you have adequate staffing to support the model?
  • Need
    • Is there a need for a change?  Are you fixing something that isn’t broken?

Tutor Training Outline and Sample Content

Core Training Components

  • Program Orientation/Information
    • Library Information
    • Program Logistics, Rules, & Guidelines
  • Understanding Learners and Stories
  • Learner-centered Instruction
  • Roles & Goals
  • Language Learning Components
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Listening
    • Speaking
  • Resources Available to Tutors

Supplemental Training Topics

  • Adult Learner Characteristics
  • Internal/External (Affective/External) Factors of Learning
  • Power and Burdens in Learning
  • Understanding Implicit Bias
  • Creating a Positive Learning Environment
  • Cultural Competencies

Ongoing Training

Provide ongoing training in the form of:

  • Conference attendance
  • Virtual workshop attendance (regional, state, and national trainings)
  • Tutor workshops (e.g., roundtables, meet-ups)

Resources for Tutor Training

Tutor Ready Reading Videos

Tutor Ready Writing Videos

Additional Resources

The following resources can help you get started with tutor training:

Family Literacy

Programs funded by California Library Literacy Services (CLLS) to offer adult literacy services may opt to offer family literacy services. Family literacy programs funded by CLLS intend to serve:

  • Enrolled adult learners and families to enhance their learning environments
  • Eligible-but-not-yet-enrolled adult learners and families to recruit for the adult literacy program

For general CLLS Family Literacy Services implementation guidance, view the Family Literacy Services Overview (2023) and the Family Literacy Landscape Analysis (2018) (PDF). For ideas on CLLS Family Literacy Services programs, a four-part webinar series (2019) providing an extensive set of ideas, tools, and research data on starting a new family literacy service and developing an existing one. To learn more about the CLLS family literacy landscape through public libraries, a Family Literacy Landscape Analysis (2018) prepared by Common Knowledge for the California State Library provides an overview of family literacy programming in California’s public libraries and includes a wealth of great programming ideas. 

See California Library Literacy Services Value 7: California Library Literacy Services Support Families for more information. 

Family Literacy Promising Practices

Developed for the “Building an Environment for Successful Whole Family Learning” California Library Association Conference panel in June 2023, below is a list of family literacy promising practices developed by Fresno County Public Library, Richmond Public Library, and Salinas Public Library. 

When reviewing the list of family literacy promising practices and helpful tips, consider the family literacy practices you are currently implementing in your family literacy program. Then, consider how you can build up and onto these practices. Because each CLLS family literacy program serves a unique community, the secret to building a successful family literacy program is focusing on the areas that are relevant and sustainable for your program. In time, you will be able to adopt all seven practices.

  1. Recognize literacy programs are drivers of change and literacy staff are change agents
    • Be the change you want to see
    • Be comfortable with confronting moments that do not align with your visionCreate a space that allows people to participate when they are able and ready
    • Lift every voice in your community
  2. Provide books to families to build home libraries and materials for at-home learning
    • Celebrate the power of reading
    • Emphasize reading and learning together enhances the skills of the whole family
    • Recognize the unique opportunity to bring books into people’s lives
  3. Acknowledge and respect caregivers’ many complex roles
    • Validate caregivers as the first teacher in their children’s lives
    • Help learners become empowered
    • Dispel falsities about the communities you work with
    • Be mindful of the language used to describe the communities you work with. For example, learners and families are “in growth” instead of “struggling”
  4. Create ways to incorporate learners and families into the program design process
    • Put learner-led, co-design to practice
    • Open doors and make the impossible possible
    • Provide opportunities for caregivers to learner from and support one another
    • Incorporate learner needs where families can choose how to participate
    • Build opportunities where families can find a love of learning and reading
    • Teach families how to have conversations. For example, learn to ask “What did you learn today? What does this mean to you?”
  5. Create and sustain community partnerships and build community buy-in
    • Cultivate opportunities for decision makers to really connect with the people their making decisions for and about
    • Create an opportunity for community organizations and other partners to dialogue with the people you serve 
    • Create an environment where learners learn and feel comfortable engaging in civic engagement by discussing what they need and want while also being able to say “no” to what they don’t want
  6. Actively bring in community members new to the library
    • Serve who comes into the library and go out into the community 
    • Engage and support those new to the library
  7. Consider the suite of resources available to and needed by the whole family
    • Become familiar with library-based and community-based resources
    • Think of the roles each family member holds within their family and the different types of resources each member may need 
    • Provide different opportunities for families to share moments and engage together to learn something new together and learn something new about one another

Community Partners

Library literacy programs value co-design, which is the intentional planning of learning and instruction using the ideas, goals, and voices of adult learners. 

See California Library Literacy Services Value 4: California Library Literacy Services is Community Focused for more information.

10 Promising Practices and Tips for Connecting with Your Community

  1. Be visible in your community. Forming partnerships with existing organizations is essential for outreach for both Adult and Family Literacy. Make friends BEFORE you need them.
  2. Attend events or meetings with related or relevant groups. Get out of the library and into the community by attending events, offer to speak at events, or give presentations. Once you start making partnerships, you will be invited to more!
  3. Prepare an elevator speech and share a consistent message about your program/services. Bring knowledge of library services to the table. 
  4. Be a good steward of relationship building. Cultivate relationships and get to know your partners personally. What interests them? What motivates them? Listen to them. The “right” people could be anyone in the organization, or their donors or board members.
  5. Developing community relationships is not so different from personal relationships. Don’t be afraid!
  6. Give as well as receive. Focus on what you can do for a partner, not just what they can do for you.
  7. Know how to align and articulate what you do with an organization’s mission and needs. Look for gaps and how your program can help fill them.
  8. Maintain good communication. Invite others to your events. Meet with partners for coffee or lunch meetings. Offer to share information of other organizations with your program.
  9. Literacy is a necessary skill, not a noble cause. Be sure to relay how literacy is an essential skill to function in society.
  10. Maintain a leadership role in a community group.

Community Partner Examples

Community partners include any agencies, businesses, schools, or other entities with which you have an agreement (casual or formal) to receive or provide services and/or support at no charge. Types of partnerships can include:

  • Collaborations: work with partners to produce events, services, etc.
  • Networks: groups or system of interconnected people or groups.
  • Outreach: reach out to raise awareness of available services.
  • Referrals: refer learners to other organizations based on their needs, and vice versa.

For example, a collaboration with an adult school might entail an Adult Ed teacher teaching a weekly class at a library branch; or a tutor goes into an Adult Ed classroom to provide extra support during, before, or after a class, etc.

Networking might look like attending meetings with your local Adult Education Consortium.

Outreach might involve connecting with local food banks or churches to advertise your program services.

Referrals might look like referring a learner to Behavioral Health, or vice versa.

Partner Examples

  • Adult Education Consortia
  • Adult Schools
  • Behavioral Health Departments
  • Chambers of Commerce
  • Churches
  • Community Colleges
  • Community Fairs
  • English Learner Advisory Committees (ELAC) and District English Learner Advisory Committees (DELAC) 
  • Family Action Centers
  • First 5
  • Food Banks
  • Garden Clubs
  • Health Clinics
  • Healthy Start
  • Housing Authority
  • Homeless Shelters or Warming Centers
  • Human Service Providers
  • Jails and Prisons
  • Law Enforcement Groups
  • Literacy Coalitions and other literacy organizations
  • Local Transit Authority
  • Neighborhood Groups
  • Newspapers
  • Office of Education
  • Parent Teacher Associations
  • Preschools
  • Public Health
  • Public Schools
  • Rotary/Kiwanis/Lions Clubs
  • School Districts
  • Social Services Departments
  • Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
  • Workforce Development Board

Internal Connections

Going out into the community is crucial, but you may also find meaningful connections within your library: 

  • Library Boards
  • Friends of the Library and Library Foundation groups
  • Other library departments

MOU Examples

A Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) is an agreement between two or more parties outlined in a formal document. This is for more formal partnerships. Casual partnerships are not permanent and could be irregular or as needed. Formal partnerships use a written agreement to establish the way two organizations will work together, including what each organization agrees to contribute to a partnership, a timeframe for delivering the desired outcomes, details of exactly how each party will collaborate, etc. Here are three examples of formal partnerships:

Words of Encouragement

From the Kansas University Center for Community Health and Development:

Becoming an integral part of the community is a necessary step to establishing a literacy program that will last and continue to be effective in attracting students.

Shanti Bhaskaran from Santa Clara City Library says:

Like all relationships, it takes time and effort to build a partnership. It may offer no gains in the short-term, but if we nurture it long enough, it can open doors to other partnerships we hadn’t thought of. Remember, a partner’s partner can be your program’s partner too.

Connections require communication maintenance, shared ownership, and openness to change in case things aren’t working or if they stop working as well as they have in the past.

Devon Cahill, formerly of Santa Barbara Public Library