Getting Started

Welcome to California Library Literacy Services! California Library Literacy Services provides support to coordinators in three ways through resources, training, and connecting. These can be thought of like the three legs of a stool. The idea is that if any one leg is shorter than the other, the stool would be imbalanced. Take advantage of all the support listed below to assure a great start. See also the California Library Literacy Services Frequently Asked Questions.


Access extensive training through these links: 


Connect with your CLLS teams and fellow literacy coordinators through these links: 

Hear From Learners

Hear firsthand from adults who have participated in California Library Literacy Services in Adult Learner Perspectives: The Story of Four Adult Learners (Enriqué, Kristi, Leon and Linda) and their journeys to literacy. (10:35)

View each learner’s story individually:

More learner stories are available on the California Library Literacy Services YouTube page.

Hear from Tutors

Hear firsthand from tutors who have volunteered in California Library Literacy Services programs:

More volunteer stories are available on the California Library Literacy Services YouTube page.