Uke Can Do It

This program provided circulating ukuleles and accompanying music education programs to community members. Trained staff and volunteers offer multi-session and one-off instructional workshops with accompanying audio-visual materials to library visitors of all ages.

Purpose: At a time when music education is often limited at local schools, and families seek arts education, this program aims to get musical instruments into the hands of community members who cannot afford or do not have access to music education and offers opportunities to participate in music classes and entertaining programs.

Target Audience: The initial version of this program targeted children and teens, and Los Angeles Public Library (LAPL) expanded the programming as it became apparent that ukuleles are appealing to all ages, including seniors, and especially welcomed by low-income community members who can’t afford to purchase their own instruments.

Expected Outcomes: This program increases access to musical education and entertainment in low-income communities. Participants experience increased confidence to pursue creative activities, learn to play a musical instrument, and engage with their community in a culturally-rich environment.

Partnerships: While there are no formal partnerships in this program, it is imperative that libraries reach out to local community organizations such as schools, senior centers, recreation centers, and early education programs. These groups have “built-in” audiences, can serve as hosts for programming, and can assist in marketing the program. Local music education programs can be a source for volunteers, and music stores a source of donations.

Budget Considerations

  • Ukuleles & Accessories (cases, tuners, books or DVDs included in circulating kits)
  • Materials related to having a circulating collection (a display shelf/case, tags)
  • Audiovisual Materials
  • Staff time (training and instructional programs)
  • Fees for outside instructors, if applicable

Implementation Steps

Train staff and volunteers
The method is simple: in one 45-minute session, almost anyone can learn the basics of playing a ukulele (a few chords and a handful of basic songs). Use the same handouts and tutorials as participants will (see below). With some practice to boost confidence, and some additional YouTube tutorials for good measure, this knowledge is enough to teach that same beginning workshop. It’s like the idea of the piano teacher who is only one lesson ahead of the student–it’s more than enough!