Achieving an AI Vision for California Libraries
Library leaders from across California gathered at the California Libraries & AI Summit to tackle the big question: how can we prepare to build artificial intelligence (AI) services and support in local communities and libraries?

Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program
Grants to address life-safety and critical maintenance needs of public library facilities throughout California. State-funded

California Freedom to Read Act
The California Freedom to Read Act requires every public library jurisdiction, as defined, that directly receives any state funding to establish, adopt, and maintain a written and publicly accessible collection development policy for its libraries by January 1, 2026, as specified in the bill.

California Public Library Trustees Toolkit
The Trustee Toolkit provides an overview of information and resources for public library trustees, so they can be better prepared to take on the exciting yet demanding role of helping position their libraries as fundamental resources for individual and community success.

Data Privacy Best Practices
The Pacific Library Partnership Data Privacy Best Practices Toolkit for Libraries incorporates both high level and detailed information about building and maintaining all aspects of patron privacy programs at libraries. LSTA-funded

Digital Equity Toolkit for Rural Communities
Strategies, case studies, and a guide for public libraries and other educational institutions to help bridge the digital divide in rural California communities. Created by library staff who participated in the 2020-21 State Library Leadership Challenge. LSTA-funded

E-Rate and the California Teleconnect Fund (CTF)
Affordable access to telecommunications services for libraries through discounts on telecommunications services, Internet access, and internal connections.

EmPOWERing Access: Health, Legal, Education, and Virtual Connection in California Libraries
The EmPOWERing Access project provided ADA accessible privacy booths, solar charging devices, and repair tool kits. The program ended in September 2024. LSTA-funded

High-Speed Broadband in California’s Libraries
Brings high-speed broadband to California public libraries by connecting them to the California Research and Education Network (CalREN)—a high-capacity 3,800-mile fiber-optic-based network designed to meet the unique requirements of over 20 million users. State and LSTA-funded

Maximizing Learning Spaces, or How to MacGyver Your Library
Resources to help public libraries evaluate, reimagine, and furnish underutilized library spaces to maximize their potential for reading, literacy, and learning. LSTA-funded

Recovering Together
Resources to help libraries prepare, respond, and recover from disasters. Created by the NorthNet Library System. LSTA-funded

Strategies for Dealing with Opioid Issues
Information about naloxone and the Department of Public Health grant program that enables libraries to train staff to dispense this drug when a visitor suffers an overdose.

Tech/Life Balance: Helping Families Thrive in a Digital World
Developed by First Partner Jennifer Siebel Newsom and the California Partners Project, the Tech/Life Balance report and family guide series are designed to help parents and caregivers navigate the complexities of raising kids in today’s tech-driven world.