California Public Library Staff Education Program

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Tuition Reimbursement Opportunity

The Public Library Staff Education Program is a tuition reimbursement program. The program supports the improvement of library services to California’s communities.

The program reimburses California public and county law library staff who:

  • are pursuing a master’s degree in library and information science
  • show a commitment to serving California’s communities

In 2024, the Public Library Staff Education Program Mentorship Program started. The mentorship program supports interested PLSEP recipients by pairing them with experienced library staff in California.

The Public Library Staff Education Program is a partnership of the California State Library and the Southern California Library Cooperative.


students receiving tuition reimbursement


program investment



Statistics above from Public Library Staff Education Program FY 2023-2024.

Program Participants

Photo of a person wearing a graduation gown. She is holding a diploma folder.
Photo of a person reading a book to a young child. Behind them is a wall of books with the words “Summer Reading is Amazing” and next to them is a board that says “Story Time.”
Photo of a person smiling and wearing a graduation cap and gown.
Photo of a person standing in front of a tree trunk and smiling.
Photo of a person wearing a graduation cap and gown and holding a diploma.
A black and white photo of a person smiling.

What Our Participants Are Saying

“I am now able to view my community as a driving force behind library decisions, budgets, and vision. Before these courses, I viewed staff as the primary stakeholders and decision makers. However, I now have a better view of how community members and partners are an incredible asset to making the best decisions – financially and otherwise – for the delivery of library services through collections, programs, and partnerships.”

“Understanding the breadth of library and information services offered to the public has increased my feeling of responsibility, dedication, and pride. My desire to learn more in order to better fulfill patrons’ needs has been fueled by the information I’ve accumulated. The chance to make programming more accessible to underserved and at-risk communities is something I’m increasingly excited about.”

“These courses have shown me that there is a lot that can be done for the community when your attitude is positive and community oriented. I am excited about the work that I will do for my community and hope to keep this feeling of excitement for the rest of my career.”

“Thank you so much for the opportunity. My daughter has been going around telling everyone my mommy graduated. This definitely was a core memory for her.”

“I graduated a little earlier than planned and I got a full-time librarian position within two years.”

“I am not sure I would be graduating soon if not for the funds provided by the PLSEP.”

“It also enabled me to use what I learned in class to the workplace as a public library worker. As a result, I was able to present at various library conferences such as YALSA because of the effect the PLSEP funds had on my library career.”

“Participating in the program also got me recognized by my superiors. I believe this recognition has played some factors in my advancement.”


Email with questions or comments.


The Public Library Staff Education Program is supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.