Resources for Tribal Libraries in California

California State Library Contact

Lisa Lindsay
Library Programs Consultant, Tribal and Rural Libraries
Schedule a time to talk with Lisa Lindsay

Sign up for the Library to Library newsletter to hear about opportunities and join the California Tribal Libraries & Archives Facebook group.

Federal Grants through the Institute of Museum and Library Services

The following opportunities are open to federally recognized tribes.

Native American Library Services: Basic Grants, Institute of Museum and Library Services

Native American Basic Grants support existing library operations and maintain core library services for tribal communities.

Search awarded Basic Grants.

Native American Library Services: Enhancement Grants, Institute of Museum and Library Services

Enhancement Grant projects may enhance existing library services or implement new library services for tribal communities.

Search awarded Enhancement Grants.

IMLS Project Staff Contacts

Jennifer Himmelreich
Senior Program Officer
Schedule a time to talk with Jennifer Himmelreich

Sheena Afoakwa
Program Specialist

E-Rate through the Federal Communications Commission

Tribal Library E-Rate Advocacy Program (TLEAP)

TLEAP is the FCC program created specifically to support tribal libraries to successfully apply for the federal e-rate program.

National Library Service for the Blind and Print Disabled

The National Library Service for Blind and Print Disabled through the Library of Congress provides reading materials at no cost to individuals whose temporary or permanent low vision, blindness, physical disability, or other disability makes it difficult to read regular print. Services are administered across the United States. Receive material via download to an app or through traditional mail.  Note:  When helping someone sign up, library staff should sign the “competent authority” section of the application. Request an application.

Grants from the California State Library

Review all open and upcoming opportunities for California libraries on our Grants page

Ready or Not Cultural Heritage Disaster Preparedness

The California State Library has partnered with the Northeast Document Conservation Center to help local archives, historical societies, libraries, museums, and tribal nations create disaster preparedness plans to protect their collections and ensure future public access.

Sustainable California Libraries

Several tribal nations in California have partnered with public libraries to bring programs around sustainability and climate education to communities.

Training and Professional Development through California Libraries Learn (CALL)

The California State Library provides funding for quality training and learning providers to bring professional development to the entire library community. Opportunities specifically for California tribal library staff will be included here. 

General CALL Resources

  • Get Started: Landing page, current week of events and featured messages.
  • Calendar: A calendar view of all scheduled CALL events, including descriptions and registration details.
  • CALL Academy: Self-paced learning and California specific content, organized by topic. Note: You will need to create a free account to access this content.
  • Newsletter: Subscribe to a weekly update of upcoming events.
  • Continuing Education Blog: Learning tips, highlights of upcoming training, and featured author posts.

Additional Resources

California Grants Portal, California State Library

A centralized location to find state-funded grants with the option to limit your search to grants provided to tribal governments specifically. 

U.S. Department of the Interior, Indian Affairs | Access to Capital Clearinghouse

A multi-agency strategy to improve awareness of, access to, and utilization of federal funding resources for Tribal governments, Tribal enterprises, Native entrepreneurs, and Native Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs).

California Truth and Healing Council, Governor’s Office of Tribal Affairs

The California Truth & Healing Council, established by Governor Newsom through Executive Order N-15-19, works to gather and share stories from California Native Americans about their history with the State of California. The goal is to better understand this history and promote truth and healing.