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Sutro Exhibit Book Lists
All the World is a Stage: Performance, Theatre, and Culture
- Shakespeare, William, John Heminge, and Henry Condell. Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies: Published According to the True Originall Copies. 1st folio ed. London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard and Ed. Blount, 1623. Print.
- Webster, John. The White Devil; or, The Tragedy of Paulo Giordano Vrsini, Duke of Brachiano, with the Life, and Death, of Vittoria Corombona, the Famous Venetian Curtizan, as It Hath Been Diuers Times Acted by the Queenes Maiesties Seruants, at the Phoenix, in Drury-Lane. Lond: Pr. by I. N. for Hugh Perry, and are to be sold at his shop at the signe of the Harrow in Brittains-burse, 1631. Print.
- Purcell, Henry. The Fairy Queen: an Opera. London: Printed for Jacob Tonson, 1692. Print.
- Shirley, James. The Bird in a Cage; a Comedie, as It Hatb Beene Presented at the Phoenix in Drury-Lane, the Author James Shirley, Servant to Her Majesty… Lond: Pr. by B. Alsop and T. Fawcet, for Wm. Cooke, and are to be sold at his shop neere Furnivals-inne gate, in Holborne, 1633. Print.
- Heywood, Thomas et al. A Woman Kilde with Kindnesse.: as It Hath Beene Oftentimes Acted by the Queenes Maiest. Seruants. . The third edition.. London: Printed by [William Jaggard for] Isaac Iaggard, 1617. Print.
- Jonson, Ben. The Works of Ben Jonson, Which Were Formerly Printed in Two Volumes, Are Reprinted in One, to Which Is Added a Comedy, Called the New Inn, with Additions Never before Published… Lond: Printed by Thomas Hodgkin, for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, etc. etc., 1692. Print.
- Scrapbook Containing Theatre Programs. San Francisco, California?: N.p., 1886. Print.
- California Theatrical Scrapbook. Pictorial Clippings of Actors, Actresses, and Performances. N.p. Print.
- This history of the King’s Theatre is by the John Ebers, manager from 1821-1827. [not catalogued]
- Purcell, Henry et al. King Arthur, or, The British Worthy: a Masque, as It Is Performed at the Theatre-Royal in Drury-Lane, by His Majesty’s Company . London: Printed for W. Strahan, L. Hawes and Co., T. Davies, T. Lownds, T. Becket, and W. Griffin, 1770. Print.
- Merely Players, a Book of Faces and Facts. Hamarville, Pa: Duquesne distributing co., 1901. Print.
- Shakespeare, William et al. The Dramatick Writings of Will. Shakspere: with the Notes of All the Various Commentators; Printed Complete from the Best Editions of Sam. Johnson and Geo. Steevens. Bell’s edition. London: Printed for, and under the direction of, John Bell, British Library, Strand, bookseller to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales, 1785. Print.
- Barnum, P. T. Struggles and Triumphs: Or, Forty Years’ Recollections of P. T. Barnum. Author’s ed. Revised, enlarged, newly illustrated, and written up to February, 1873. Buffalo, N. Y: Warren, Johnson & Co., 1873. Print.
- Barbu, Lawrence., and Irma Buckingham. Barbu. Family Tree: Amis, Barbu, Barnum, Bellu, Buckingham, Eschenbrenner . San Francisco: L. Barbu and I.B. Barbu, 1999. Print.
- Barnum, P. T. The Humbugs of the World. … Lond: Hotten, 1866. Print.
- Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea, Thomas Becket, and Adolph Sutro. A Treatise on the Art of Dancing. . London: Printed for the Author; And Sold by R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall Mall; T. Becket, in the Strand; And W. Nicholl, in St. Paul’s Church-Yard., 1762. Print.
- Browne, Richard. Medicina Musica: or, A Mechanical Essay on the Effects of Singing, Musick, and Dancing, on Human Bodies. Revis’d and Corrected. To Which Is Annex’d a New Essay on the Nature and Cure of the Spleen and Vapours . London: Printed for J. Cooke, 1729. Print.
- Metastasio, Pietro. Opere drammatiche. Nona edizione, notabilmente accresciuta, e corretta. Venezia: Bettinelli, 1748. Print.
- Neill, Edward D. Michal: or Fashionable Dancing, an Undignified Amusement for a Christian, the Sixth of a Series of Evening Lectures on the Life of David, at the Chapel of the House of Hope, Saint Paul, Minnesota, February 6, 1859 . St. Paul, Minn: Combs & Bro., 1859. Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories & Tragedies. Published According to the True Originall Copies [Fragments]. London: Printed by Isaac Iaggard, and Ed. Blount, 1623. Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories and Tragedies: Published According to the True Original Copies. The Second Impression. Lond: Printed by Tho. Cotes, 1632. Print.
- Shakespeare, William. Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies: Published According to the True Original Copies. The Third Impression. And Unto This Impression Is Added Feven Playes, Never before Printed in Folio. Viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigall. The History of Thomas Ld Cromwell. Sir John Oldeaftle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A York-Shire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. London: Printed for P.C., 1664. Print.
- Shakespeare, William et al. Mr. William Shakespear’s Comedies, Histories, and Tragedies: Published According to the True Original Copies: Unto Which Is Added, Seven Plays Never before Printed in Folio, Viz. Pericles Prince of Tyre. The London Prodigal. The History of Thomas Lord Cromwel. Sir John Oldcastle Lord Cobham. The Puritan Widow. A Yorkshire Tragedy. The Tragedy of Locrine. The fourth edition. London: Printed for H. Herringman, E. Brewster, and R. Bentley, at the Anchor in the New Exchange, the Crane in St. Pauls Church-Yard, and in Russel-Street Covent-Garden, 1685. Print.
- King Lear. This version of the play has a happy ending, with Cordelia marrying, King Lear living, and Regan and Goneril dead. This version was performed until 1836. [uncatalogued]
- Euripides. Euripidis Heraolidae. Oxonii: Murray, 1813. Print.
- Sophocles. Sophoclis tragoediae omnes, nvnc primum Latinae ad uerbum factae, ac scholiis quibusdam illustratae, Ioanne Baptista Gabia Veronensi interprete. … Venetiis: apvd Ic. Baptistam a Burgofrancho, 1543. Print.
- Ventriloquism Made Easy, Containing Full and Explicit Instructions for Acquiring This Amusing Art, with Instructions for Making the Magic Whistle, for Imitating Birds, Animals, Insects and Other Peculiar Sounds. New York: Hurst, 1900. Print.
- Downs, T. Nelson. Modern Coin Manipulation, Embracing Every Sleight and Subtlety Invented and Known, Including a Complete Explanation of His World Famous Coin Creation, “Thermiser’s Dream.” New York: G. Routledge & sons limited, 1901. Print.
- Bostock, Frank Charles, and Ellen Velvin. The Training of Wild Animals. New York: The Century co., 1903. Print.
- Shaw, W. H. J. Magic up to Date;or Shaw’s Magical Instructor. Chicago?: N.p., 1896. Print.
- Burlingame, Hardin J., and Modern magicians and their works. Leaves from Conjurers’ Scrap Books; or Modern Magicians and Their Works. Chicago: Donohue, Henneberry & co., 1891. Print.
- Hopkins, Nevil Monroe. Twentieth Century Magic and the Construction of Modern Magical Apparatus; with the Introduction of New Experiments: Mechanical, Chemical, Electrical. Philadelphia: D. McKay, 1898. Print.
- The History of Coventry Show Fair: with a Particular Account of Lady Godiva and Peeping Tom. Coventry: Merridew & son. Print.
- Gallini, Giovanni-Andrea, Thomas Becket, and Adolph Sutro. A Treatise on the Art of Dancing. . London: Printed for the Author; And Sold by R. and J. Dodsley, in Pall Mall; T. Becket, in the Strand; And W. Nicholl, in St. Paul’s Church-Yard., 1762. Print.
Before the Summer of Love: From Alchemy to Astrology
- Sutro Hebraica – Talisman- w/evil eye
- Sutro Hebraica – Talisman –fertility
- Apian, Peter. Cosmographicus liber Petri Apiani mathematici studiose collectus. Landshutae: impensis P. Apiani, 1524. Print.
- Apian, Peter. Qvadrans Apiani astronomicvs et iam recens inventvs et nvnc primvm editvs. Huic adiuncta sunt & alia instrumenta obseruatoria perinde noua, adcommodata horis discernendis nocturnis simul & diurnis, idque ex sole, luna, stellisque tum erraticis tum fixis, ad quo que tamen cognitionem cuique citra omnem preceptoris operam facile peruenire licebit. Diende altitudinis etiam, distantiae, profunditatisque puteorum, turriumque seu aedificiorum adnexae sunt dimensiones, & aquaque seu aedificiorum adnexae sunt dimensiones, & aquarum quo que ex monte vno in alium deductiones. His omnibus accedit, quo pacto per speculum altitudines structurarum uarijs modis cognosci queant. Et quomodo extensis noctu digitis (naturali quodam, quod & Diogenes admiraretur, instrumento) siugulae horae noctis obseruari commode possint… Colophon: Excusum Ingolstadii in officiana Apiani die VI. Iulii An., 1532. Print.
- Apian, Peter, and Gemma. Cosmographia Petri Apiani. Antverpiæ: apud Christophorum Plantinum, sub Circino aureo., 1574. Print.
- Barth, Auguste, and James Wood. The Religions of India. London: Trübner & co., 1882. Print.
- Claves, Gaston LeDoux de. Apologia Crysopoeiae Et Argyropoeiae: ǂb Adversus Thomam Erastum Doctorem [et] Professorem Medicinæ; In qua disputatur & docetur, An, Quid, & Quomodo sit Chrysopœia & Argyropœia. / ǂc Avthore Gastone Claveo Subpræside Niuernensi. Nunc primum a Bernardo G. Ponoto [!] A Portv S. Mariæ Aquitano, cum annotationibus marginalibus edita. Vignon: Eustathij, 1598. Print.
- De Laurence, L. W. Hypnotism; a Complete System of Method, Application and Use, Including All That Is Known in the Art and Practice of Mesmerism and Mental Healing … Chicago: Alhambra book company, 1900. Print.
- Douglas, Robert Kennaway. Confucianism and Taouism … London: Society for promoting Christian knowledge, 1879. Print.
- El Oráculo de todos los tiempos . Paris: Tarin, 1800. Print.
- P., H. Five Treatises of the Philosophers Stone . London: printed by Thomas Harper, 1652. Print.
- Fowler, O. S. The Practical Phrenologist; and Recorder and Delineator of the Character and Talents … Boston: O. S. Fowler, 1869. Print.
- Gallucci, Giovanni Paolo. Theatro del mundo y del tiempo . Granada: s.n., 1606. Print.
- Guericke, Otto von. Ottonis de Guericke Experimenta nova (ut vocantur) Magdeburgica de vacuo spatio primùm à R.P. Gaspare Schotto …: nunc verò ab ipso auctore perfectiùs edita, variisque aliis experimentis aucta, quibus accesserunt simul certa quaedam de aëris pondere circa terram, de virtutibus mundanis, & systemate mundi planetario, sicut & de stellis fixis, ac spatio illo immenso, quod tàm intra quam extra eas funditur. Amstelodami: Apud Joannem Janssonium à Waesberge, 1672. Print.
- Heim, Roger et al. Les champignons hallucinogènes du Mexique: études ethnologiques, taxinomiques, biologiques, physiologiques et chimiques . Paris: Éditions du Muséum National d’Histoire Naturelle, 1958. Print.
- Indagine, Johannes ab. Briefe Introdvctions, Both Natvrall, Pleasant, and Delectable Vnto the Art of Chiromancie, or Manuell Diuination, and Phisiognomy: With Circumstances Vpon the Faces of the Signes. Also Certaine Canons or Rules Vpon Diseases and Sicknesses. Where-Vnto Is Also Annexed Aswell the Artificiall, as Natural Astrology, with the Nature of the Planets. London: Printed by T. Purfoot, 1598. Print.
- Lavater, Johann Caspar. Lavater’s Essays on Physiognomy: with Ornamental Caricatures and Finished Portraits . London: Locke. Print.
- Lomax, Leila Holt. Your Future; the Zodiac’s Guide to Success in Life. Philadelphia: The Penn Pub. Co., 1920. Print.
- Llull, Ramon et al. De secretis naturae sive quinta essentia libri duo . Venetiis: apud Petrum Schoeffer, 1542. Print.
- Lubienietz, Stanislao de. Theatri cometici pars prior communicationes de comotis 1664 et 1665: cum viris per Europam cl. habitas… Amstelodami: N.p., 1667. Print.
- Naudé, Gabriel. Apologie pour les grands hommes soupçonnez de magie. Amsterdam: Chez J. F. Bernard, 1712. Print.
- Pepper, John Henry. The Playbook of Metals: Including Personal Narratives of Visits to Coal, Lead, Copper and Tin Mines; with a Large Number of Interesting Experiments Relating to Alchemy and the Chemistry of Fifty Metallic Elements . New ed. London: G, Routledge & Sons, 1869. Print.
- Shambaugh, Bertha M. H. Amana, the Community of True Inspiration. Iowa City, Iowa: The State historical society of Iowa, 1908. Print.
- Swift, Lindsay. Brook Farm; Its Members, Scholars, and Visitors. New York: The Macmillan company; [etc., etc.], 1900. Print.
- Tricasso, Patricio. Epitoma chyromantico di Patritio Tricasso da Cerasari Mantouano. Nel quale se contiene tutte l’opere per esso Tricasso in questa Scientia composte, con assai figure, & dichiarationi agiunte. Venetia: Agostino de Bindoni, 1538. Print.
- Underhill, Evelyn. Practical Mysticism: a Little Book for Normal People . New York: E. P. Dutton, 1918. Print.
Caricature in Politics and Culture
- Gillray, James. The Great South Sea Caterpillar, Transform’d into a Bath Butterfly. London: Pubd. … by H. Humphrey, No. 31, New Bond-street, 1795. Print.
- [Raban, Edouard]. Les cent Robert Macaire. Paris: Bureau du Journal pour Rire. Print.
- Woodward, George Moutard, and Thomas Rowlandson. Chesterfield Travestie; or, School for Modern Manners, Embellished with Ten Caricatures. Lond: Thomas Tegg, 1808. Print.
- Cruikshank, George. My Sketch Book. Pentonwille: The author, 1834. Print.
- La Orquesta : periódico omniscio, de buen humor y con caricaturas. Méjico: s.n., 1861. Print.
- A Collection of “War” Envelopes Issued during the Civil War : Album. United States? N.p., 1861. Print.
- Sinclair, Tollemache. A Defence of Russia and the Christians of Turkey : Including a Sketch of the Eastern Question, from 1686 to September, 1877, with Its Best Solution. : With an Original Cartoon of the Turkish Atrocities, a Map of Turkey, and Several Caricatures London: Chapman and Hall, 1877. Print.
- Walsh, William S. Abraham Lincoln and the London Punch; Cartoons, Comments and Poems, Published in the London Charivari, during the American Civil War (1861-1865). New York: Moffat, Yard and company, 1909. Print.
- Rodríguez, Antonio. Posada, “el artista que retrató a una época.” 1a ed. México: Editorial Domés, 1977. Print.
Collected Visions
- Leonard Plukenet, 1642-1706. Plukenetii Opera: voluminibus quator. London: ediderent T. Davies, T. Payne, L. Davies, 1769.
- Henry George Ward, 1797-1860. Mexico by H.G. Ward: with an account of the mining companies, and of the political events in that republic to the present day. London: H. Colburn, 1829.
- Henry Hexham, [1585-1650?]. The three parts of the principles of the art military, practised in the warres of the United Provinces, under the Conduct of His Highnesse the Prince of Orange. London, Printed for Humphrey Mosley, 1641.
- [Old Plays]. London: N.p., 1696. Print. John Man. The history and antiquities, ancient and modern, of the Borough of Reading, in the County of Berks. Reading, Printed by Snare and Man, 1816.
- Steel engraving by William Finden, 1787-1852, of Phiz’ (Hablot K. Browne) illustration from Charles Dicken’s Martin Chuzzlewit, circa 1843. [not cataloged]
- Wilhelm Dilich d. 1655. Kriegsbuch… darin die alte ünd newe militia aller örter vermehret, eigentlich beschribẽ und allen kriegs new lingẽ baw- und buchsenmeistern zu nutz publicirett. Franckfurt, 1689.
- Beato, Felice (photographer) Japanese photo albums (10 volumes), 1875.
- C. Tucker Beckett Photographs Volume VI. Mexican Punitive Expedition (March 14, 1916 – July 27, 1916) images 2670 – 3269 [not catalogued]
- Blake, William, 1757-1827.William Blake’s water-colour designs for the poems of Thomas Gray. Boissia, Clairvaux, Jura : Trianon Press for the William Blake Trust, London ; London : Distributed by B. Quaritch, 1972.
- Collection of Envelopes issued during the Civil War, no date, collector unknown. [not catalogued]
- Florida and Charleston, S.C. earthquake scenes / photographs collected by Adolph Sutro, 1889.
- Book of Hours. Horae Beatea Virginis. Italy. C. 1450. [not catalogued]
- Essays on Architecture. England: N.p., 1830. Print.
- Barken, E. Scrap-book of autograph letters and portraits of famous men. 1880.
- [Köhler, Alexander Wilhelm, 1756-1832. Bergmännischer kalendar für das jahr. Freyberg, 1790 ?.
- The Psalter or Psalmes of David, after the Translation of the Great Bible: Pointed as It Shall Be Sung or Said in Churches. Lond: pr. by Robert Barker, 1615. Print.
- Lièvre, Edouard, 1829-1886. Art gems: a series of thirty high-class engravings from pictures by the most eminent painters ancient and modern. London : H. Sotheran, J. Baer and Co., 1873.
- Granger, James. A biographical history of England, from Egbert the Great to the revolution: consisting of characters disposed in different classes, and adapted to a methodical catalogue of engraved British heads: intended as an essay towards reducing our biography to system, and a help to the knowledge of portraits: interspersed with a variety of anecdotes, and memoirs of a great number of persons. London, W, Baynes and son, 1824.
- A collection of several hundred plates color and b&w plates. [1675**?] [not catalogued]
Egypt through the Eyes of Sutro
- Sandys, George. Sandys Travailes Containing a History of the Original and Present State of the Turkish Empire, Their Laws, Government, Policy, Military Force, Courts of Justice and Commerce: the Mahometan Religion and Ceremonies: a Description of Constantinople: the Grand Seigniors Seraglio and His Manner of Living: Also, of Greece, with the Religion and Customes of the Graecians: of Egypt, the Antiquity, Hieroglyphicks, Rites, Customes, Discipline, and Religion of the Egyptians: a Voyage on the River Nilus, and of the Crocodile: of Armenia, Grand Cairo, Rhodes, the Pyramides, Colossus, Mummies, &c.: the Former Flourishing and Present State of Alexandria: a Description of the Holy-Land: of the Jews and Several Sects of Christians Living There: of Jerusalem, Sepulchre of Christ, Temple of Solomon, and What Else Either of Antiquity or Worth Observation: Lastly, Italy Described, and the Islands Adjoyning, as Cyprus, Crete, Malta, Sicilia, the Aeolian Islands, of Rome, Venice, Naples, Syracusa, Messena, Aetna, Scylla and Charybdis and Other Places of Note: Illustrated with Fifty Graven Maps and Figures. The sixth edition. London: Printed by R. and W. Leybourn and are to be sold by John Sweeting at the Angel in Popes-head-Alley, 1658. Print.
- Sandys, George. A Relation of a Iourney Begun An: Dom: 1610. Foure Bookes. Containing a Description of the Turkish Empire, of AEgypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote Parts of Italy, and Ilands Adioyning. The third edition. London: Printed for Ro: Allot, 1632. Print.
- Sandys, George. Sandys Travailes: Containing a History of the Original and Present State of the Turkish Empire … The Mahometan Religion and Ceremonies. A Description of Constantinople … Also, of Greece … Of Egypt … A Description of the Holy Land … Lastly, Italy Described, and the Islands Adjoyning… 6th ed. London: Printed by R. and W. Leybourn, 1658. Print.
- Hunter, John. Observations on Certain Parts of the Animal Oeconomy. London: N.p., 1786. Print.
- Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis: The Antediluvian World. New York: Harper & brothers, 1882. Print.
- Ballard, Robert. The Solution of the Pyramid Problem: or, Pyramid Discoveries with a New Theory as to Their Ancient Use. New York: J. Wiley & sons, 1882. Print.
- Punch, or The London Charivari. 1859
- Brugsch-Bey, Emil, and G. Maspero. La trouvaille de Deir-el-Bahari . Le Caire: Impr. française F. Mourès, 1881. Print.
- Greenhill, Thomas. Nekpokydeia: Or, The Art of Embalming… London: The author, 1705. Print.
- Wilson, William Rae. Travels in Egypt and the Holy Land. 2nd. ed. With a journey through Turkey, Greece, the Ionian Isles, Sicily, Spain, &c. By William Rae Wilson. London: Printed for Longman, Hurst, Rees, Orme, Brown, and Green, 1824. Print.
- Kirchenhoffer, H. The Book of Fate, Formerly in the Possession of Napoleon … Now First Rendered into English from a German Translation of an Ancient Egyption Manuscript, Found in the Year 1801. 16th ed. London: Printed for C.S. Arnold, 1828. Print.
- Abbott, Henry. Catalogue of a Collection of Egyptian Antiquities, the Property of Henry Abbott, Now Exhibiting at the Stuyvesant Institute. New York: Printed for the proprietor by J. W. Watson, 1853. Print.
- Bowen, Richard E. [Views of a Trip Around the World]: [photograph Album]. N.p., 1895. Print.
- Jacotin, Pierre, and Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier. Description de l’Égypte: ou, Recueil des observations et des recherches qui ont ete faites en Egypte pendant l’expedition de l’armee francaise . A Paris: Imprimerie impériale, 1809. Print.
- Russell, Michael. View of Ancient and Modern Egypt; with an Outlie of Its Natural History … 2d ed., rev. Edin: Oliver, 1832. Print.
- Adrichem, Christiaan van. Theatrvm terrae sanctae et biblicarvm historiarvm: cum tabulis geographicis aere expressis . Coloniae Agrippinae: in officina Birckmannica, sumptibus Arnoldi Mylii, 1593. Print.
- Ebers, Georg, Clara Bell, and Samuel Birch. Egypt, Descriptive, Historical, and Picturesque . London;: Cassell, Petter, Galpin and Co., 1881. Print.
- Letter with mummy wrapping and rubbings of inscriptions from Adolph Sutro Manuscript Collection, 1881.
Fashion Through the Ages
- Abbildung aller terg-und hütter-beamten wie auch den übrigen bergleuten in ihren kleidungon nach der natur gezeichnet, und in kupfer gestochen. Nürnberg: Weigel, 1788. Print.
- Aberli, Johann Ludwig. Swiss Costumes. Basle: de Mechel. Print.
- Engelmann, G. Ancient Egyptian and Grecian Costumes . s.l: s.n., 1800. Print.
- Bertelli, Pietro. Diversarv nationvm habitvs centum: et quattuor iconibus in aere incisis diligenter expressi item ordines dvo processionum, vnus svmmi pontificis, alter sereniss. principis Venetiarum . Patauij: Apud Alciatum Alcia et Petrum Bertellium, 1589. Print.
- The Earth and Its Inhabitants. Germany?: [publisher not identified], 1850. Print.
- Ehrichs ́fashion Quarterly. New York City: Ehrich & Co. Print.
- Forbes, James. Oriental Memoirs: Selected and Abridged from a Series of Familiar Letters Written During Seventeen Years Residence in India: Including Observations on Parts of Africa and South America, and a Narrative of Occurrences in Four India Voyages. London: White, Cochrane, and co., 1813. Print.
- Gernsheim, Alison. Victorian & Edwardian Fashion: a Photographic Survey . New York: Dover Publications, 1981. Print.
- Godey’s Lady’s Book. Philadelphia, Pa: L.A. Godey, 1840. Print.
- [Japanese silk textiles]: [catalog of samples] approximately 1890-1900. Japan: s.n., 1890. Print.
- Krauth, A. [Berkshire Knitting Mills Stereographs]. N.p., 1925. Print
- Linati, Claudio. Costumes civils, militaires et religieux du Mexique . Bruxelles: Ch. Sattanino, 1828. Print.
- Lonicerus, Johann Adam et al. Ständ vnd Orden der H. Römischen Catholischen Kirchen,: darinn aller geistlichen Personen, H. Ritter vnd dero verwandten Herkommen, Constitution, Regeln, Habit vnd Kleidung, beneben schönen vnd künstlichen Figurn, fleissig beschrieben, zu Ehren vnd Wolgefallen den Ehrwirdigen vnd Hochgelehrten Herren, Herrn Ioanni Latomo Decano ad D. Bartholomaeum, vnd Herrn Heliae Deublingero IVD. Decano ad D. Mariam zu Franckfort am Mayn. . Zu Franckfort am Mayn: In Verlegung Sigmund Feyrabends., 1585. Print.
- Schrenck von Notzing, Jacob. Der aller durchleuchtigisten und grossmächtigen kayser … königen and erthzhertzogen…fürsten, wie auch grafen, herren vom adel und anderer treflicher berühmbter kriegsshelden…Deren waffen und rüstungen…fast auss allen landen der welt, theils mit grosser mühe und kosten zusammen gebracht… Welliches werck in mehr höchstgedachter fürstl. durchl. lebzeiten angefangen, newlich aber durch… Ynszprugg: Baur, 1602. Print.
- Joyce, Thomas Athol, and Northcote Whitridge Thomas. Women of All Nations: a Record of Their Characteristics, Habits, Manners, Customs and Influence . London;: Cassell and Company, 1908. Print.
- [Japan: Meiji Era Photo Album]. N.p., 1912. Print.
- Postans. Cutch; or, Random Sketches … of Western India … London: Smith …, 1839. Print.
- Frost, John, and William Croome. Indian Wars of the United States: from the Earliest Period to the Present Time . New York: C.M. Saxton, 1859. Print.
- The American Indians, Illustration of Their Costumes and Manners with Anecdotes. Lond: Ward, 1834. Print.
- Harriot, Thomas, John White, and Carolus Clusius. Admiranda narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae: nuper admodum ab Anglis, qui à Dn. Richardo Greinvile equestris ordinis viro eò in coloniam anno M.D. LXXXV. deducti sunt inuentae, sumtus faciente Dn. Waltero Raleigh equestris ordinis viro fodinaru[m] stanni praefecto ex auctoritate serenissimae reginae Angliae . Francoforti ad Moenum: Typis Ioannis Wecheli, sumtibus vero Theodori de Bry, venales reperiuntur in officina Sigismundi Fierabendi, 1590. Print.
- Ward, Eva. [Automobile Travel Scrapbook] . N.p., 1930. Print.
- Ward, Maria E. Bicycling for Ladies: with Hints as to the Art of Wheeling, Advice to Beginners, Dress, Care of the Bicycle, Mechanics, Training, Exercise, Etc., Etc. . New York: Brentano’s, 1896. Print.
- Pinelli, Bartolomeo. Raccolta di numo. 60 costumi de gl’ ordini religiosi incisi all’ acquaforte. Roma: Pietro Datri, 1828. Print.
- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel. Dictionnaire raisonnè du mobilier francais de l’époque carlovingienne a la renaissance. 2. èd. Paris: Morel, 1868. Print.
- Weiss, Hermann. Kostümkunde: Handbuch der Geschichte der Tracht, des Baues und des Geräthes der Völker des Alterthums . Stuttgart: Ebner & Seubert, 1860. Print.
Finding Women in the Archive
- Institoris, Heinrich et al. Malleus maleficarum, in tres diuisus partes: In quibus Concurrentia ad maleficia, Maleficiorum effectus, Remedia aduersus maleficia, Et modus procedendi, ac puniendi maleficos abundè continentur, praecipuè autem omnibus Inquisitoribus, & diuini uerbi concionatoribus utilis, ac necessarius. . Hac postrema editione / per R. Raffaelem Maffeum Venetum. D. Iacobi à Iudeca instituti seruorum, summo studio illustratus, & à multis erroribus uindicatus; his adiecimus indices rerum memorabilium, & quaestionum. Venetiis: Apud Io. Antonium Bertanum, 1574. Print.
- Verstegan, Richard (?-). Auteur du texte. Theatrum crudelitatum haereticorum nostri temporis. Antverpiae, 1601. Print. [uncatalogued]
- Densmore, Emmet. Sex Equality: a Solution of the Woman Problem . 2d ed. London: S. Sonnenschein & Co., lim., 1907. Print.
- Program of the Second Annual Convention: California Woman’s State Democratic League for Woodrow Wilson. San Francisco, Calif: s.n., 1916. Print.
- Robles de Mendoza, Margarita. Ciudadanía de la mujer mexicana . Morelia, Mich: Talleres Tipográficos de la E.T.I. “Alvaro Obregón,” 1932. Print.
- Willard, Frances Elizabeth, and Mary Artemisia Lathbury. Woman and Temperance: Or, The Work and Workers of the Women’s Christian Temperance Union. Hartford, Conn: Park publishing co., 1883. Print.
- Mill, John Stuart. The Subjection of Women . London: Longmans, Green, Reader and Dyer, 1869. Print.
- The Rights of Women: A Comparison of the Relative Legal Status of the Sexes in the Chief Countries of Western Civilisation … London: Trübner & Co., 1875. Print.
- La Orquesta: periódico omniscio, de buen humor y con caricaturas. Méjico: s.n., 1861. Print.
- What shall I be? by Selchow & Righter Company, 1966 [not catalogued]
- California Women’s March Posters and Ephemera, 2017. California: N.p., 2017. Print.
- Why We March: Signs of Protest and Hope: Voices from the Women’s March. New York, NY: Artisan, a division of Workman Publishing Co., Inc., 2017. Print.
- The Toilet of Flora: or, A Collection of the Most Simple and Approved Methods of Preparing Baths, Essences, Etc. … A new ed, improved. London: J. Murray, 1784. Print.
- Lichtenfeld, Joseph. Principles of Physiognomical Hairdressing… Lond: The author, 1883. Print.
- Toilet Secrets . London: Bridgewater. Print.
- Winans, Walter. Shooting for Ladies . London;: G.P. Putnam’s Sons, 1911. Print.
- Applebee, Constance M. K. English Field Hockey for Men and Women. New York: American Sports Pub. Co., 1901. Print.
- Orrinsmith, Lucy. The Drawing-Room: Its Decorations and Furniture . London: Macmillan, 1878. Print.
- Carpenter, Mary. Red Lodge Girls’ Reformatory School, Bristol…. Bristol: Arrowsmith, 1875. Print.
- First Illustrated Catalogue of Knitted Bathing Suits for Ladies, Gentlemen and Children: Football Uniforms, Bicycle Uniforms, Baseball Uniforms, Lacrosse Uniforms, Polo Uniforms … Etc. San Francisco: [Bancroft’s print], 1886. Print.
- MacKeever, Samuel Anderson. Glimpses of Gotham, and City Characters. [7th ed.]. New York: National police gazette office, 1881. Print.
- Porter, Edwin H. The Fall River Tragedy: a History of the Borden Murders. A Plain Statement of the Material Facts Pertaining to the Most Famous Crime of the Century, Including the Story of the Arrest and Preliminary Trial of Miss Lizzie A. Borden and a Full Report of the Superior Court Trial. Fall River: G.R.H. Buffinton, 1893. Print.
- The Handbook for Ladies’ Maids, and Guide to the Toilette. Lond: Oliver. Print.
- Gilrs’ High Journal: San Francisco, California June ’07. San Francisco: [Nolan Davis Co.], 1907. Print.
- Cauldron (Downers Grove, Illinois). Downers Grove, Ill: Senior Class of Downers Grove High School. Print.
- Barton, Rexford Wadleigh. A Christmas Chronicle of the Lame Ducks . Cambridge, Mass: Barton, 1922. Print.
- Howard, John. The State of the Prisons of England and Wales: with Preliminary Observations and an Account of Some Foreign Prisons and Hospitals . 3d ed. Warrington: Printed by W. Eyres …, 1784. Print.
From Earthquakes to Epidemics: Historic Disasters
- William Hamilton, and Pietro Fabris. Campi Phlegraei : Observations on the Volcanos of the Two Sicilies as They Have Been Communicated to the Royal Society of London. Naples: [s.n.], 1776. Print.
- Henry de, Charles La Vaulx. Dollfus, and Paul Tissandier. Aéronautique des origines à 1922. Paris: H. Floury, 1922. Print.
- George Poulett Scrope. Volcanos[sic] : the Character of Their Phenomena, Their Share in the Structure and Composition of the Surface of the Globe, and Their Relation to Its Internal Forces with a Descriptive Catalogue of All Known Volcanos and Volcanic Formations. 2d ed. rev. and enl…. London: Longmans, Green, etc., 1872. Print.
- Charles (Charles Giles Bridle) Daubeny. A Description of Active and Extinct Volcanos : with Remarks on Their Origin, Their Chemical Phenomena, and the Character of Their Products, as Determined by the Condition of the Earth During the Period of Their Formation; Being the Substance of Some Lectures Delivered before the University of Oxford, with Much Additional Matter. London: W. Phillips, 1826. Print.
- T. M. M. (Timothy M. M.) Baker. London : Rebuilding the City after the Great Fire. Shopwyke Manor Barn, Chichester, West Sussex, [Eng: Phillimore & Co. Ltd., 2000. Print.
- Charles Heath, William Westall, and Peter DeWint. Views of London. London: Hurst. Print.
- Complete atlas of the firefighter’s manual indicating the dress, the machines used, the exercises of the hook ladder, the rescue bag, the operation of the pump, and the establishments to be made for fire attacks in the various circumstances that arise. Paris: Roret, [1845].
- Fire extinguished Demonstration in Stockholm Sweden October 27, 1792.
- Mungo Ponton. Earthquakes & Volcanoes : Their History, Phenomena, and Probable Causes. New and rev. ed. London: T. Nelson & sons, 1870. Print.
- John Wesley Judd. Volcanoes, What They Are and What They Teach. London: C. K. Paul & co., 1881. Print.
- William Hamilton, et al. Observations on Mount Vesuvius, Mount Etna, and Other Volcanos : in a Series of Letters, Addressed to the Royal Society,. Ed. T. (Thomas) Cadell. A new edition. London: Printed for T. Cadell, in the Strand., 1774. Print.
Golden Gate Park
- European works of art in the M. H. de Young Memorial Museum.
- Trees of the Panhandle, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco
- Garfield Memorial, Golden Gate Park S.F. (2 views)
- Golden Gate Park : a vision fulfilled
- Aviary in Golden Gate Park.
- Views in Golden Gate Park
- Golden Gate Park Casino.
- President William McKinley in Golden Gate Park.
- Damage to Children’s Restaurant, Golden Gate Park (4 views)
- Flower carpet bedding, Golden Gate Park.
- Boiling water for drinking, Golden Gate Park.
- All about the midwinter fair, San Francisco, and interesting facts concerning California. [Golden Gate Park : scene of the midwinter fair]
- Fire sufferers receiving clothing from Relief Committee storehouse, Golden Gate Park 1906. Vault fc917.9461 A3 vol. 1
- Dwellers in Golden Gate park.
- Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California photograph album.
- Midwinter scenes in Golden Gate Park : copperplate half-tones from photographs
- Golden Gate Park – M.H. de Young, Director-General for the Midwinter Exposition, addressing the multitude on the occasion of his turning up the first shovelful of sand for the Fair site, August 24th, 1893
- Official Bird’s-eye View of the California Midwinter International Exposition San Francisco, California Picture Collection F-MAP PRINTS: SAN FRANCISCO COUNTY: SAN FRANCISCO: MIDWINTER INTERNATIONAL EXPOSITION
- Huntington Falls, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Cal., 7255.
- Official guide to the California midwinter exposition in Golden Gate park, San Francisco …4
- Achille Philion, The Marvelous Equilibrist, in his Spiral Tower Revolving Globe Exhibition. Cal. Mid. Inter. Exposition, San Francisco, Cal., 8221 Picture Collection VAULT **f T874 C1.T22
- [M.H. De Young laying cornerstone for museum]
- Golden Gate Pathfinder Stacks Periodicals Request by title from:2 1921 until:3 1922
- All about the midwinter fair, San Francisco, and interesting facts concerning California. [Golden Gate Park : scene of the midwinter fair]
- Dwellers in Golden Gate park Rare materials reading room 917.9461 H97
- Official program : San Francisco Fly Casting Club : world’s tournament, Stow Lake, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, California : August eighth and ninth, 1902
- [Announcement and program of exercises held at the unveiling of the Francis Scott Key monument in Golden Gate park, July 4, 1888]
- The North American Hall of the California Academy of Sciences. 3rd ed. San Francisco: Press of Crocker Union, 1946. Print.
- Souvenir view book of San Francisco : containing a selection of reproductions of interesting subjects from photographs taken by the Gabriel Moulin Studios, famous California photographers, and including a bird’s-eye view of the entire Bay Area from an original drawing by E.A. Burbank.
- Meet the artist, an exhibition of self-portraits by living American artists.
- Seven centuries of painting; a loan exhibition of old and modern masters, at the California palace of the Legion of honor, and the M. H. De Young memorial museum, San Franisco, December 29, 1939, to January 28, 1940.
Headlines of History
- Austin, Stephen F. (Stephen Fuller). Translation of the Laws, Orders and Contracts on Colonization : from January, 1821, up to This Time, in Virtue of Which Col. Stephen F.Austin Has Introduced and Settled Foreign Emigrants in Texas, with an Explanatory Introduction. San Filipe de Austin, Texas: Printed by Godwin B.Cotten, 1829. Print.
- [uncataloged] English Pamphlets vol. 134, no. 1. Queens Elizabeth’s last speech to Parliament.
- [uncataloged] English Pamphlets vol. 135, no. 43. King Charls his speech, 1649.
- [uncataloged] “It’s Obama” LA Times, November 5, 2008.
- We’re Dreaming of a Black Christmas. New York: N.p., 1967. Print.
- Bronson, William. The Earth Shook, the Sky Burned. [1st ed.]. Garden City, N.Y: Doubleday, 1959. Print.
- The Call-Chronicle-Examiner. San Francisco, Calif: [s.n.], 1906. Print.
- Newell, Austin Jessie Eloise. [Scrapbook of Jessie Eloise Austin Newell] 1942-1943. N.p., 1942. Print.
- [uncataloged] The Perfect Diurnall of Some Passages in Parliament: And from other parts of this Kingdome, 1645.
- Paine, Thomas et al. Common Sense : Addressed to the Inhabitants of America, on the Following Interesting Subjects, I. Of the Origin and Design of Government in General with Concise Remarks on the English Constitution. II. Of Monarchy and Hereditary Succession. III. Thoughts on the Present State of American Affairs. IV. Of the Present Ability of America, with Some Miscellaneous Reflections. New edition, with several additions in the body of the work, to which is added an appendix, together with an address to the people called Quakers, N.B. The new addition here given increases the work upwards of one-third. Philadelphia, printed ;: re-printed, for J. Almon, opposite Burlington-House in Piccadilly, 1776. Print.
- Luther, Martin. Acta. F. Martini Luther Augustiniani apud Dominũ legatum apostolicum Augustae.w Wittenberg?: Grunenberg?, 1518. Print.
- Luther, Martin. Das eltern die kinder zů der ehe nicht zwingÆe noch hindern/ vnd die kinder on der elltern wllen sich nicht verloben sollÆe. Nuremberg?: N.p., 1524. Print.
- Russell, J. Scott (John Scott). The Nature, Properties, and Application of Steam and on Steam Navigation, from the Seventh Ed. of the Encyclopaedia Britannica… Edinburgh: Black, 1841. Print.
- Neely, F. Tennyson, and F. Tennyson (Frank Tennyson) Neely. Neely’s Color Photos of America’s New Possessions. New York: F. Tennyson Neely, 1899. Print.
- Ross, Christian Kunkel. The Father’s Story of Charley Ross : a Full and Complete Account of His Abduction, with Incidents of the Search for His Recovery. Philadelphia: Published for the author, 1878. Print.
- [uncataloged] Briefe relation of some affairs and transactions, civil and military, both Foreign and Domestic, 1649.
- [uncataloged] The Faithful scout…London, 1651-55.
- Arthur, William., and A. H. Stephens. The American Question. London: Low, 1861. Print.
- [Tulsa City Directory]. S.l: s.n.]. Print. [1936]
- Phillips, Wendell. Can Abolitionists Vote or Take Office Under the United States Constitution? … New York: American anti-slavery society, 1845. Print.
- Proceedings and List of Delegates … : Metropolitan Temple, San Francisco, November 21 and 22, 1901; Also California’s Memorial to the President and Congress of the United States. San Francisco, Cal: Star press, 1901. Print.
- [uncataloged] Boston Gazette and Country Journal,
- Linnard, T. B. “Plan of the Battle Buena-Vista Fought February 22d and 23d 1847.” Philadelphia, [Pa: P.S. Duvat 1847, Print.
- El tiempo. México: Imprenta de A. Boix., 1857. Print.
- Moreau de Saint Merry, Mederic Louis Elle. Tyranny Annihilated : or, The Triumph of Freedom over Despotism…containing a Particular Account of The…various Incidents, Which Produced The…revolution in the Government of France. With an Ample and Just Description Of…the Bastille. With The…speech Delivered by M. Moreau de St. Merry… London] L: W. Adlard, 1792. Print.
- The Edinburgh Advertiser. Edinburgh [Scotland: Printed by and for J. Donaldson, 1764. Print. [1765]
- The Edinburgh Advertiser. Edinburgh [Scotland: Printed by and for J. Donaldson, 1764. Print. (Dec. 1774 – June 1775\]
- Heath, James. A Brief Chronicle of the Late Intestine Vvarr in the Three Kingdoms of England, Scotland and Ireland. London: Printed by J. B., 1663. Print.
- Santa Anna, Antonio López de. Antonio López de Santa-Anna, se despide de sus compatriotas. S.l: Imprentas de Vicente Garcia Torres, 1845. Print.
- #26. Old Testament. Esther. Hebrew. Not dated. Begins with: “ Va-yehi bi-yeme ahashverosh…” In black ink on vellum with square characters with tagin and decorations.
- #130. Moses ben Maimon. Mishneh Torah. Not dated. Begins with: “inyan elu ha-halakhot leda din sheluho shel adam.”
- #30. Old Testament. Esther. Hebrew. Not dated. Begins: “Va-yehi bi-yeme ahashverosh…” With tagin in black with red leather.
- #132. Moses ben Maimon. Mishneh Torah. [1383 A.D.]
- #151. Salomon ben-Abraham Urbino. Urbino was a Jewish writer who flourished in 1480, and authored this lexicon on the synonyms of the Old Testament. This example was written in 1590 in Italian cursive characters by Abraham ben Meshulam in black ink on buff paper and bound in parchment. Contains notes in Italian by censors.
- Old Testament. Pentateuch. Hebrew. Not dated, but probably sometime written sometime in the eighteenth century. The name of the copyist is given as Shamarya ben Joseph ben Shalom. Contains Aramaic translation by Onkelos and Arabic Tafsīr by R. Saadya after each verse.
- #132 – in far off case by Sutro bath picture. Mishneh Torah (Yad ha-Hazakah) [1383 A.D] Several inscriptions record the sale of this manuscript. Black ink on buff paper with chapter indicants in colored inks. Oriental rabbinic characters.
- Cardoso, Isaac, [1603-1683]. Las Excelencias de los Hebreos. Amsterdam: avid de Castro Tartas, 1679. Cardoso was born in Portugal and was a doctor and philosopher. Las excelencias de los Hebreos is on one level a superb defense of Judaism and the Jewish people, and on another level, a justification written by Cardosa on his choice to live his life as a Jew – he didn’t discover his Jewish heritage until he was middle aged. The title-page contains a woodcut showing a hand gathering flowers, with the motto: ‘el que me esparsio me recogera’ (He who has scattered me will gather me).
- Grammaire De Kimhi. Venice: Daniel Bomberg, 1546. In 1553, Hebrew presses in Venice were closed by Papal decree and Hebrew books publicly burned in cities across Italy. At the same time, it was in the sixteenth century that many classics of the Jewish tradition were either printed for the first time or received the form by which they are known today.
- Undated Yemenite talisman to ward off the “evil eye”. The Hamsa on this fragment, the palm-shaped amulet, has historically been a sign in defense against the evil eye. The open hand, particularly the open right hand, has also been used to represent blessings, power, and strength. The evil eye is a curse believed to be cast by a malevolent glare, which is usually given to a person when they are unaware. Talismans created to protect against the evil are also often referred to as “evil eyes.” The hamsa’s path into Jewish culture, and its popularity particularly in Sephardic and Mizrahi Jewish communities can be traced through its use in Islam in North African and Middle Eastern Muslim countries. The symbol of the hand appears in Kabbalistic manuscripts and amulets, doubling as the Hebrew letter “Shin”, the first letter of “Shaddai”, one of the names referring to God.
- Incantation for pregnancy, undated.
- #75. Levi ben Gershon, 1288-1344. [Commentary on Exodus] [1330 A.D.]. Manuscript differs from the printed edition. Written in Hebrew, in Spanish cursive characters, written on paper and vellum, and bound in leather. Begins with: “Ve-eleh shemot ad va-yelekh ish…
- #76. Moses ben Nahman [ca. 1195-1270]. Perush ha-torah, [1514 A.D.], Pesaro. This printed commentary, in Hebrew, of Moses ben Nahman’s (Nahmanides) on the Pentateuch was printed in Pesaro and is possibly the first printed Soncino edition.
- #70. Bible. O.T. Jeremiah. Hebrew. No date. Begins with: “Niru lakhem nir…” Written in square characters with vowels and accent marks on vellum. Contains some massoretic notes and glosses from Midrash in the margins. Ornaments at chapter headings and written in a beautiful Medieval hand. The book of Jeremiah, also called The Prophecy of Jeremias, is one of the major prophets from the Old Testament. Had a ministry before and after the siege and capture of Jerusalem by the Babylonians in 583 BC.
- #146. [Midot Rabi Yishma ‘el], not dated. Begins with: “Rabi yishma’ el omer bi-shelosh ‘esreh midot…” A treatise on the thirteen hermeneutic rules of Rabbi Ishmael. Written in small oriental rabbinic characters in black ink on buff paper.
- #1. Old Testament. Pentateuch in Hebrew. Not dated. The second person who cataloged this collection believed this scroll to have been an autograph of Maimonides.
Images of the Industrial Revolution: From the Crystal Palace to the Locomotive, 1851-1895
- Sala, George Augustus. The Great Exhibition “Wot Is to Be”: or, Probable Results of the Industry of All Nations in the Year ’51, Showing What Is to Be Exhibited, Who Is to Exhibit It, in Short, How Its [!] All Going to Be Done . London: published by the Committee of the Society for Keeping Things in Their Places, 1850. Print.
- … Centennial Catalogue. 1776-1876. Exhibit, Location “T.60,” Main Exhibition Building, Philadelphia, Penn. Miller, Metcalf & Parkin, No.339 Liberty Street, Pittsburgh, Penn. Pittsburgh?: N.p., 1876. Print.
- The Franco-British Exhibition: Official Souvenir. London: Hudson & Kearns, Ltc., 1908. Print.
- Wyatt, M. Digby. The Industrial Arts of the Nineteenth Century. London: Day and son, 1851. Print.
- Curious Advertisements: Comic Scraps: A Scrapbook Composed of Advertisements from English Publications of the 1850’s or 1860’s Onward. S.l: s.n. Print.
- Punch or the London Charivari, 1851.
- Sadler’s Wells theater playbill. London, 1854
- Collection of Works of William Shakespeare. Printed Glasgow by David Bryce and Son, 1904. 39 volumes, 48x35mm
- Sunderland, Thomas. Sutro Tunnel. Washington city: McGill & Witherow, printers and stereotypers, 1872. Print.
- Manufacturers of Hydraulic, Steam and Hand Power Passenger and Freight Elevators for Office and Mercantile Buildings, Hotels [etc.]. Milwaukee, Wisc: Cramer, Aikens & Cramer, 1890. Print.
- Cotterill, James Henry. The Steam Engine Considered as a Heat Engine: a Treatise on the Theory of the Steam Engine … . London: E. & F.N. Spon, 1878. Print.
- Weale, John et al. The Theory, Practice, and Architecture of Bridges of Stone, Iron, Timber, and Wire: with Examples on the Principle of Suspension, Illustrated by One Hundred and Thirty-Eight Engravings and Ninety-Two Wood-Cuts. London: Architectural Library, 1843. Print.
- Hoisting Machine and Sheet Iron Works. Albany Agricultural & Machine Works, Albany, N.Y. … P. K. Dederick Patent Horse Power Hoisting Machines and Steam Hoisting Engines … Elevator Platform Portable Derricks, Self-Dumping Wood and Iron Cars … Pulleys, Chains, Etc. Albany: N.p., 1876. Print.
- Sidney, Edwin. Electricity: Its Phenomena, Laws and Results. A new ed., rev. London: Religious tract society, 1861. Print.
- Russell, J. Scott. A Treatise on the Steam-Engine. … Edin: Black, 1841. Print.
- Evers, Henry. Steam and the Steam Engine: Land, Marine, and Locomotive. Rev. & enl. London: Collins, 1880. Print.
- Brande, William Thomas. A Manual of Pharmacy… 2d ed. corr. Lond: Underwood, 1829. Print.
- Photographs of the Crystal Palace by Delamotte, 1851
Into the West
- Masi, Giovanni Tommaso. Atlante dell’ America contenente le migliori carte geografiche, e topografiche delle principali città, laghi, fiumi, e fortezze del Nuovo Mondo: con una succinta relazione dei diversi stabilimenti europèi in quella parte di globo, e principalmente dei luoghi, che servono adesso di teatro alla presente guerra fra i coloni inglese, e la madre patria. Livorno: Presso Gio. Tommaso Masi, e Comp., 1777. Print.
- Harriot, Thomas, John White, and Carolus Clusius. Admiranda narratio fida tamen, de commodis et incolarum ritibus Virginiae: nuper admodum ab Anglis, qui à Dn. Richardo Greinvile equestris ordinis viro eò in coloniam anno M.D. LXXXV. deducti sunt inuentae, sumtus faciente Dn. Waltero Raleigh equestris ordinis viro fodinaru[m] stanni praefecto ex auctoritate serenissimae reginae Angliae . Francoforti ad Moenum: Typis Ioannis Wecheli, sumtibus vero Theodori de Bry, venales reperiuntur in officina Sigismundi Fierabendi, 1590. Print.
- Léry, Jean de et al. Americae tertia pars: Memorabilē provinciae Brasiliae historiam continēs . Francofori ad Moenvm: Venales reperiutur in officina Sigismuni Feirabendii, 1592. Print.
- Benzoni, Girolamo, Urbain Chauveton, and Theodor de Bry. Americae pars quarta, siue, Insignis & admiranda historia: de reperta primùm Occidentali India à Christophoro Columbo anno M. CCCCXCII . Impressum Francofurti ad Moenum: Typis Ioannis Feyrabend, impensis Theodori de Bry, 1594. Print.
- Vespucci, Amerigo. Americae pars decima: qua continentur, I. Duae navigationes Dn. Americi Vesputti, sub auspiciis Castellani regis, Ferdinandi susceptae. II. Solida narratio de moderno provinciae Virginiae statu, qua ratione tandem pax cum Indianis coaluerit, ac castella aliquot ad regionis praesidium ab Anglis extructa fuerint: additâ historiâ lectu jucundiscimâ, quomodo Pokahuntas, regis Virginiae Powhatani filia, primori cuidam Anglo nupserit. Oppenheimii: Typis Hieronymi Galleri, Anno M DC XIX, 1619. Print.
- Schmidel, Ulrich et al. Americae pars VII. Verissima et ivcvndissima descriptio praecipvarvm qvarvndam Indiae regionum & insularum, quae quidem nullis ante haec tempora visae cognitaeque, iam primum ab Vlrico Fabro Straubingensi, multo cum periculo inuentae & ab eodem summa diligentia consignatae fuerunt. Francofurti: Venales reperiūtur in officina Theodori de Bry, 1599. Print.
- Blaeu, Joan et al. “America, quae est Geographiae Blauianae pars quinta, liber unus. Volumen undecimum.” Amstelaedami: Labore & sumptibus Ioannis Blaeu 1662, Print.
- Bry, Theodor de, Girolamo Benzoni, and Urbain Chauveton. Americae pars sexta: Sive Historiae ab Hieronymo Bēzono Mediolanēse scriptae, sectio tertia, res nō minus nobiles & admiratione plenas continens, quàm praecedentes duae. In hac enim reperies, qua ratione Hispani opulētissimas illas Peruani regni provincias occuparint, capto Rege Atabaliba: deīde orta inter ipsos Hispanos in eo regno civilia bella. Additus est brevis de Fortunatis insulis cōmentariolus in duo capita distinctus. Item additiones ad singula capita historiam illustrantes. Accessit Perväni regni chorographica tabula … . Francofurti: N.p., 1596. Print.
- Benzoni, Girolamo, and Urbain Chauveton. Americae pars qvinta. Nobilis & admiratione plena Hieronymi Bezoni [!] Mediolanensis, secundae sectionis Hīa: Hispanorum, tum̀ in Nigrittas seruos suos, tum̀ in Indos crudelitatem, Gallorumque piratarū de Hispanis toties reportata spolia; aduentū item Hispanorū in Nouam Indiae continentis Hispaniam, eorumque contra incolas eius regionis saeuitiam explicans. Addita ad singula fere capita scholia, in quibus res Indiae luculenter exponuntur. Accessit practerea tabula chorographica Nouae Hispaniae in India Occidentalj. Ad invictis Rvdolph. II. Rom. imp. avg. Omni elegantibus figuris in aes incisis expressa à Theodoro de Bry…A:cIC IC XCV… Francofurti: N.p., 1595. Print.
- Banks, Joseph, and Adolph Sutro. Sir Joseph Banks Collection, 1770-1812. N.p., 1770. Print.
- Dubroca, and Mariano José de. Zúñiga y Ontiveros. Vida de J.J. Dessalines: gefe de los negros de Santo Domingo con notas muy circunstanciadas sobre el origen, caracter y atrocidades de los principales gefes de aquellos rebeldes desde el principio de la insurrección en 1791 . México: Mariano de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, 1806. Print.
- Apian, Peter. Cosmographicus liber Petri Apiani mathematici studiose collectus. Landshutae: impensis P. Apiani, 1524. Print.
- Cook, James. Compendious History of Captain Cook’s Last Voyage, Performed in the Years 1776, 1777, 1778, 1779 and 1780; in Which All the Interesting Transactions Are Recorded, Particularly Those Relative to His Unfortunate Death. With a Map of the New Discoveries, and the Track of the Ships. A new edition. London: Printed for G. Kearsley, 1784. Print.
- Webber, John, Henry Roberts, and James Cook. [Atlas to Cook’s Voyages, 1776-1780]. London?: s.n., 1784. Print.
- Cook, James. The Three Voyages of Captain Cook Round the World, with a Map of the World, a Portrait, and a Memoir of His Life. New edition. London: J. Limbird, 1824. Print.
- Fitzroy, Robert, Charles Darwin, and Philip Parker King. Narrative of the Surveying Voyages of His Majesty’s Ships Adventure and Beagle: Between the Years 1826 and 1836, Describing Their Examination of the Southern Shores of South America, and the Beagle’s Circumnavigation of the Globe … London: H. Colburn, 1839. Print.
- Ward, Eva. [Automobile Travel Scrapbook] . N.p., 1930. Print.
- Austin, Stephen F. Translation of the Laws, Orders and Contracts on Colonization: from January, 1821, up to This Time, in Virtue of Which Col. Stephen F.Austin Has Introduced and Settled Foreign Emigrants in Texas, with an Explanatory Introduction. San Filipe de Austin, Texas: Printed by Godwin B.Cotten, 1829. Print.
Images of Mexico
- Aglio, Agostino, and Edward King Kingsborough. [Antiquities of Mexico: Printed and Hand-Colored Facsimiles]. London: [R. Havell and Colnaghi, son and co.], 1831. Print.
- Solís, Antonio de, and Thomas Townsend. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards . London: printed for T. Woodward, J. Hooke, and J. Peele, 1724. Print.
- Tudela, José. Códice Tudela. Madrid: Ediciones Cultura Hispanica, 1980. Print.
- Aglio, Agostino, and Edward King Kingsborough. Mexican codex in Vatican: facsimilie . S.l: s.n., 1826. Print.
- Kingsborough, Edward King, Guillermo. Dupaix, and Agostino Aglio. Antiquities of Mexico: Comprising Fac-Similes of Ancient Mexican Paintings and Hieroglyphics, Preserved in the Royal Libraries of Paris, Berlin, and Dresden; in the Imperial Library of Vienna; in the Vatican Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the Library of the Institute at Bologna; and in the Bodleian Library at Oxford: Together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix: with Their Respective Scales of Measurement and Accompanying Descriptions: the Whole Illustrated by Many Valuable Inedited Manuscripts, by Augustine Aglio. London: A. Aglio, 1830. Print.
- Kingsborough, Edward King, Agostino Aglio, and Guillermo. Dupaix. Antiquities of Mexico: comprising fac-similes of ancient Mexican paintings and hieroglyphics, preserved in the royal libraries of Paris, Berlin and Dresden, in the Imperial Library; in the Borgian Museum at Rome; in the library of the Institute of Bologna; and in the Bodleian Oxford. Together with the Monuments of New Spain, by M. Dupaix, with their respective scales of measurement and accompanying descriptions. The whole illustrated by many valuable inedited manuscripts. London: A. Aglio, 1830. Print.
- Aglio, Agostino, and Edward King Kingsborough. [Scenes of Aztec Life] (2 Views). London: A. Aglio, 1830. Print.
- Solís, Antonio de, Thomas Townsend, and N. Hooke. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards . 3rd ed. London: printed for H. Lintot, J. Whiston, B. White, L. Davis and D. Wilson, 1753. Print.
- Ordena[n]c̜as y copilacion de leyes: hechas por el muy illustre señor don Antonio d[e] Me[n]doc̜a Visorey y Gouernador desta Nueva España, y Preside[n]te de la Audie[n]cia Real q[ue] en ella reside, y por [los] señores Oydores d[e] la dicha audie[n]cia pa[ra] la bue[n]a gouernacio[n] y estilo d[e] los oficiales della. Mexico: Juan Pablos, 1548. Print.
- La Orquesta: periódico omniscio, de buen humor y con caricaturas. Méjico: s.n., 1871. Print.
- García Cubas, Antonio, Casimiro. Castro, and A. Sigogne. Album del Ferrocarril Mexicano: colección de vistas pintadas del natural por Casimiro Castro, y ejecutadas en cromolitografía por A. Sigogne, C. Castro, etc., con una descripción del camino y de las regiones que recorre = Album of the Mexican railway: a collection of views taken from nature by Casimiro Castro, chromo-lithographed by A. Sigogne, C. Castro, etc., with a description of the line and the country through which it passes . México: V. Debray, 1877. Print.
- Old Mexico, 1895. Chicago: Mayo & Weed, 1895. Print.
- In Old Mexico: [photograph Album]. N.p., 1900. Print.
- Mexican Revolution, 1916: Fourth Supply Depot, Col. Bullard, San Benito, Texas, 12 Panorama Photos. N.p., 1916. Print.
- C. Tucker Beckett Collection, album is from 1916. Volumes 9, 10. [not catalogued]
- Linati, Claudio. Costumes civils, militaires et religieux du Mexique . Bruxelles: Ch. Sattanino, 1828. Print.. Sutro Mexican Manuscripts [SMMS]. BD 29
- Petroabossa, M., and Adolph Sutro. Trina philosophia Rationalis: manuscript. 1678. Mexico.
- Weaver, Neil. “Souvenir Album: 19th Annual Convention, Lions International, July 23 to 26, 1935 .” Mexico City?: Lions’ Headquarters, 1935. Print.
- Palóu, Francisco, and Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiveros. Relacion historica de la vida y apostolicas tareas del venerable padre fray Junipero Serra: y de las misiones que fundó en la California Septentrional, y nuevos establecimientos de Monterey . México: Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, 1787. Print. Sutro Mexican Manuscripts (SMMS). QA 5, 1750. El Calavera, 1847.
- Castillo Ledón, Luis. Hidalgo: la vida del héroe . México: Talleres Gráficos de la Nación a cargo de Francisco Díaz de León, 1948. Print.
- [Testimony of the final days of Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla, 1811]. 1848. Chihuahua;
- Clavigero, Francesco Saverio, and Charles. Cullen. The History of Mexico: Collected from Spanish and Mexican Historians, from Manuscripts, and Ancient Paintings of the Indians; Illustrated by Charts, and Other Copper Plates, to Which Are Added, Critical Dissertations on the Land, the Animals, and Inhabitants of Mexico . London: G.G.J. and J. Robinson, 1787. Print.
Land of the Unexpected
- Powell, Wilfred. Wanderings in a Wild Country. London: S. Low, Marston, Searle, & Rivington, 1884. Print.
- Bosman, Willem. A New and Accurate Description of the Coast of Guinea, Divided into the Gold, the Slave, and the Ivory Coasts… 2d ed. London: J. Knapton, 1721. Print.
- Sonnerat, Pierre. Voyage à la Nouvelle Guinée, dans lequel on trouve la description des lieux. Paris: Ruault, 1776. Print.
- Latham, John. Index ornithologicus, sive systema ornithologiae; complectens avium divisionem in classes, ordines, genera, species, ipsarumque varietates, adjectis synonymis, locis, descriptionibus, &c.; studio et opera Joannis Latham. Londini: Sumptibus authoris, 1790. Print.
- Denton, Sherman F. (Sherman Foote), and Charles Theodore Dillingham. Incidents of a Collector’s Rambles in Australia, New Zealand, and New Guinea. Boston [Massachusetts: Lee and Shepard publishers, 10 Milk Street next “the Old South Meeting House,” 1889. Print.
- Anderson, George William. [Plates and Maps] to Anderson’s Large Folio Edition of the Whole of Captn. Cook’s Voyages, &. London: A. Hogg, 1784. Print.
Mexican Railroad Book List
- Pacific Coast Colonization Company., and Pacific Coast Colonization Company. Americans Rushing to Mexico! : More than 50,000 Americans Are Now Living in Mexico; about $1,000,000,000 of American Capital Is Now Invested There… Kansas City, Mo: [Mexico American Land Co.], 1911. Print.
- Evans, Albert S. Our Sister Republic : A Gala Trip through Tropical Mexico in 1869-70, Adventure and Sight-Seeing in the Land of the Aztecs, with Picturesque Descriptions of the Country and the People, and Reminiscences of the Empire and Its Downfall. Hartford, Conn: Columbia Book, 1870. Print.
- Ward, H. G. (Henry George). Mexico in 1827. London: H. Colburn, 1828. Print.
- Payno, Manuel. Memoria sobre el ferrocarril de Mexico a Veracruz,. Mexico: Imprenta de Nabor Chavez, á cargo de J. Moreno, Cordobanes núm. 8., 1868. Print.
- Baz, Gustavo Adolfo, Eduardo L Gallo, and César Macazaga Ordoño. Historia del Ferrocarril Mexicano : riqueza de México en la zona del Golfo a la mesa central, bajo su aspecto geológico, agrícola, manufacturero y comercial; estudios científicos, históricos y estadísticos. Ed. facsimilar de la primigenia de 1874, enriquecida con un suplemento / preparado por César Macazaga Ordoño. México: Editorial Innovación, 1980. Print.
- Cockrell, Thos. J. (Thomas J.). The Mexican International Railway Views. Series No. 1. Laredo, Tex: Cockrell, 1888. Print.
- Diaz, Agustin. Indicador general de ferrocarriles Mexicanos … Mexico, Junio 10 de 1888. Mexico: Tipografía de Aguilar É Hijos, 1888. Print.
- Ayala, Manuel. Translation of the Mining Law of Mexico : Effective August 1, 1926 : And Spanish Copy of Ley de Industrias Minerales, En Vigor Desde Agosto 1, 1926. El Paso, Tex., U.S.A: [s.n.], 1926. Print.
- Janvier, Thomas A. (Thomas Allibone). The Mexican Guide. 3rd ed. New York: Scribner’s, 1888. Print.
- Mexican Ry. Co. Limited : Acts of Parliament, Reports, and General Papers Relating to the Company from 1864 to 187 . London? s.n., 1872. Print.
- La Orquesta : periódico omniscio, de buen humor y con caricaturas. Méjico: s.n., 1861. Print.
- Linati, Claudio. Costumes civils, militaires et religieux du Mexique. Bruxelles: Ch. Sattanino, 1828. Print.
- Uncatalogued photographs
Nesting: A Study in Human Dwellings
- Figuier, Louis. L’homme primitif. Paris: L. Hachette et cie, 1870. Print.
- [Plates and Maps] to Anderson’s Large Folio Editio of the Whole of Captn. Cook’s Voyages, &. London: A. Hogg, 1784. Print.
- Solís, Antonio de, and Thomas Townsend. The History of the Conquest of Mexico by the Spaniards. London: printed for T. Woodward, J. Hooke, and J. Peele, 1724. Print.
- Rau, Charles. Early Man in Europe. New york: Harper & brothers, 1876. Print.
- Marees, Pieter de. et al. Indiae Orientalis pars VI. Veram et historicam descriptionem avriferi regni Gvineae, ad Africam pertinentis, gvod alias littvs de Mina vocant, continens, qua situs loci, ratio vrbium & domorum, portus item & flumina varia, cum variis incolarum superstitionibus, educatione, forma, commerciis, linguis & moribus, succincta breuitate explicantur & percensentur. Latinitate ex germanico donata studio & opera M. Gotardi Arthvs Dantiscani. Francofurti ad Moenum: Ex officina Wolfgangi Richteri, sumptibus Iohan. Theodori & Iohan. Israel de Bry fratribus., 1604. Print.
- Schedel, Hartmann, and Georg. Alt. Das buch der Croniken vnnd geschichten mit figuren vnd pildnussen von Anbeginn der welt bis auff dise vnsere Zeÿt. Augsburg: Johann Schönsperger, 1496. Print.
- Schedel, Hartmann. Liber chronicarum : cum figuris et ymaginibus ab inicio mu[n]di usq[ue] nu[n]c temporis. Augsburg: Johann Schönsperger, 1497. Print.
- Gerritsz, Hessel et al. Indiae Orientalis. Pars X : qua continetur, Historica relatio sive descriptio novi ad Aqvilonem transitvs, svpra terras Americanas in Chinam atq[ue] Iaponem ducturi, quemadmodum is ab Henrico Hudsono Anglo nuper inuentus est, addita breui … in itinere isto occurrentium, ex Iohannis-Hugonis Lintschottani itineratio desumpta commemoratione : item discvrsvs ad sereniss. Hispaniæ regem, super detecta nuper quinta orbis parte, terra nempè Australi incognita, à Capitaneo quodam Petro-Ferdinando de Quir, &c. conscriptus : addita descriptione regionvm Siberiæ, Samoiediæ atque Tingoesiæ … Francofvrti: Typis viduæ Matthiæ Beckeri, 1613. Print.
- Foresti, Jacobo Filippo. Svpplementvm Supplementi chronicarum ab ipso mundi exordio vsq que ad redemptionis nostrae annum.M.ccccc.x. editum. Et nouissime recoqnitu. Et castigatum a venerandc patre Jacobo Phillippo gomate ordinis Heremitaru que. Additis per e udem auctor e quan pluribus vtilissimis r necessarijs additionibus. Nec n o eleg ati tabula nouiter excogitata quae omnia mirifice demonstrat … Colophon: Venetiis impressum opere & ĩpensa Georgii de Rusconibus Anno a Natiuitate Xp̃i., 1513. Print.
- Lucas, Paul. Voyage du sieur Paul Lucas : fait en M.DCCXIV, &c. par ordre de Louis XIV dans la Turquie, l’Asie, Sourie, Palestine, Haute & Basse Egypte. Nouv. éd. Paris: J.F. Josse, 1724. Print.
- Clavigero, Francesco Saverio. Storia antica del Messico : cavata da’ migliori storici spagnuoli, e da’ manoscritti, e dalle pitture antiche degl’ Indiani; divisa in dieci libri, e corredata di carte geografiche, e di varie figure; e dissertazioni sulla terra, sugli animali, e sugli abitatori del Messico. Cesena: G. Biasini, 1780. Print.
- Bullock, John. The American Cottage Builder. New York: Stringer & Townsend, 1854. Print.
- Blondel, Jacques-François, and Rerre Patet. Cours d’architecture : ou, Traité de la décoration, distribution, & construction des batiments … Paris: Desaint, 1711. Print.
- Thompson, Charles. Travels through Turkey in Asia, the Holy Land, Arabia, Egypt, and Other Parts of the World … London: J. Newbery, 1754. Print.
- Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. M. Vitrvvii De architectura libri decem, summa diligentia recogniti, atq3 excusi. Cum nonnullis figuris sub hoc signo positis. nun õ antea impraessis. Additis Iulij frontini de aqueductibus libris, proter materiae affinitatem. Lugduni: N.p., 1523. Print.
- Lucas, Paul. Voyage du sieur Paul Lucas : fait en M.DCCXIV, &c. par ordre de Louis XIV dans la Turquie, l’Asie, Sourie, Palestine, Haute & Basse Egypte. Nouv. éd. Paris: J.F. Josse, 1724. Print.
- Vitruvius Pollio. et al. M. Vitrvvii Pollionis, viri suae professionis peritissimi, De architectura libri X … Argenterati: Ex Officina Knoblochiana, per Georgium Machaeropieum, 1550. Print.
- Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus. M. Vitrvvii Pollionis De architectvra libri decem ad Caesarem Avgvstvm, omnibus omnium editionibus longè emendatiores, collatis veteribus exemplis. Lvgdvni: Apvd Ioan, Tornaesivm, 1552. Print.
- Vitruvius Pollio., and Claude Perrault. Architecture generale de Vitruve : reduite en abregé. Derniere ed., enrichie de figures en cuivre. Amsterdam: Aux dépens des Huguetan, et se vend chez George Gallet, 1681. Print.
- Vitruvius Pollio., James Newton, and William Newton. The Architecture of M. Vitruvius Pollio. London: Printed for James Newton …, 1791. Print.
- Vitruvius Pollio., and Berardo Galiani. Dell’ architettura : Libri dieci … Milano: Dozio, 1832. Print.
- Sandys, George. A Relation of a Journey Begun An. Dom. 1610 : Foure Bookes Containing a Description of the Turkish Empire, of Ægypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote Parts of Italy, and Ilands Adioyning. 3d ed. London: Printed for Ro. Allot, 1632. Print.
- Sandys, George. A Relation of a Iourney Begun An: Dom: 1610. Foure Bookes. Containing a Description of the Turkish Empire, of AEgypt, of the Holy Land, of the Remote Parts of Italy, and Ilands Adioyning. The third edition. London: Printed for Ro: Allot, 1632. Print.
- Panvinio, Onofrio. Onvphrii Panvinii Veronensis Augustiniani antiqvitatvm Veronensivm libri octo, nunc primum in lucem editi. Typis Pauli Frambotti: N.p., 1647. Print.
- Yaggy, L. W. (Levi W.), and Thomas L. Haines. Museum of Antiquity; a Description of Ancient Life: The Employments, Amusements, Customs and Habits, the Cities, Palaces, Monuments and Tombs, the Literature and Fine Arts of 3,000 Years Ago. Chicago: Western publishing house, 1884. Print.
- Parker, Charles. Villa Rustica: Selected from Buildings and Scenes in the Vicinity of Rome and Florence. 2d ed.,. London: J. Weale, 1848. Print.
- Barrow, John. Travels in China. London: T. Cadell & W. Davies, 1804. Print.
- Roberts, Henry. The Dwellings of the Labouring Classes, Their Arrangement and Construction; Illustrated by a Reference to the Model Houses of the Society for Improving the Condition of the Labouring Classes, with Other Buildings Recently Erected: And an Appendix, Containing H. R. H. Prince Albert’s Exhibition Model Houses, Hyde Park, 1851; the Model Cottages &c. Built by the Windsor Royal Society; with Plans and Elevations of Dwellings Adapted to Towns, as Well as to Agricultural and Manufacturing Districts. 3d ed. London ;: Soc. improving condition of the labouring classes, 1853. Print.
- Petit, Victor. Chateaux de France des xv et xvi siècles. Paris: s.n. Print.
Photography and the Archive
- Old Mexico, 1895. Chicago: Mayo & Weed, 1895. Print.
- Picturesque Old Mexico. Denver: Chain Hardy, 1885. Print.
- In Old Mexico: [photograph Album]. N.p., 1900. Print.
- [Victorian Photo Travel Album]. N.p., 1875. Print.
- García Cubas, Antonio, Casimiro. Castro, and A. Sigogne. Album del Ferrocarril Mexicano: colección de vistas pintadas del natural por Casimiro Castro, y ejecutadas en cromolitografía por A. Sigogne, C. Castro, etc., con una descripción del camino y de las regiones que recorre = Album of the Mexican railway: a collection of views taken from nature by Casimiro Castro, chromo-lithographed by A. Sigogne, C. Castro, etc., with a description of the line and the country through which it passes . México: V. Debray, 1877. Print.
- Bowen, Richard E. [Views of South Africa]: [photograph Album]. N.p., 1880. Print.
- Folder title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize – Railroads – Rolling Stock – not cataloged, housed with Mexicana Collection
- Ferrocarril Mexicano Chromolithograph book 1878
- Folder Title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize – Railroads – Trestles & Tunnels
- Folder Title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize – Tzintzuntzan
- Folder Title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize –Santa Cecilia
- Folder Title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize – Volcanoes
- Japanese view of Fuji – uncataloged Japanese woodblock prints
- Folder Title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize – People unidentified
- Folder Title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize – Tijuana calendar
- Folder Title: [Mexico] Photographs – Oversize – Guatemala [women washing clothes river]
- Waite, C. B. [Photographs of Mexico along the Michoacan & Pacific Railway].
- Views of Japan. n.p: N.p. Print.
- C. Tucker Beckett Albums. [not catalogued]
- Cobham, Alan John. My Flight to the Cape and Back. 3d impression. London: A. & C. Black, Ltd., 1926.
- Faujas-de-St.-Fond, (Barthélemy). Description des expériences de la machine aérostatique de MM. : De Montgolfier et de celles auxquelles cette decouverte a donne lieu. Paris: Cuchet, 1783.
- Bertelli, Pietro. Diversarv nationvm habitvs centum : et quattuor iconibus in aere incisis diligenter expressi item ordines dvo processionum, vnus svmmi pontificis, alter sereniss. principis Venetiarum. Patauij: Apud Alciatum Alcia et Petrum Bertellium, 1589.
- Phillips, Robert. A Dissertation Concerning the Present State of the High Roads of England, Especially of Those Near London…[and] a New Method of Repairing and Maintaining The,… London: L. Gilliver and F. Clarke, 1737.
- The Alpine. White Mountains, Bethlehem, N.H. Littleton, New Hampshire: Courier Press, 1890.
- Good Roads : the Machinery to Make Them. Fort Wayne, Ind: The Co., 1920.
- Tott, François, and Pierre Jean Marie Ruffin. Mémoires du baron de Tott, sur les Turcs et les Tartares … Amsterdam: N.p., 1785.
- González de Urueña, Juan. Delineacion de lo tocante al conocimiento del punto de longitud del globo de tierra y agua : y de la causa de las crecientes y menguantes del mar. Madrid: Diego Miguel de Peralta, 1740.
- Demuyter, Ernest. La navigation aérienne et les randonnées victorieuses du “Belgica” : Conquête de la coupe Gordon-Bennett. Bruxelles: Expansion belge vers le Levant, 1925.
- Linschoten, Jan Huygen van et al. II. pars Indiae Orientalis : in qua Iohan. Hugonis Lintscotani nauigatio in Orientem, item regna, littora, portus, flumina, apparentiae, habitus mores’que Indorum & Lusitanorum pariter in Oriente degentium : praeterea merces, monetae, mensura, & pondera, quae quibus in locis, qu’ove compendio prostent, accurate proponuntur. Francfordii: Ex officina Wolffgangi Richteri, 1599.
- Dalrymple, Alexander. An Historical Collection of the Several Voyages and Discoveries in the South Pacific Ocean … London: printed for the author; and sold by J. Nourse, bookseller in ordinary to His Majesty; T. Payne, at the Mews-gate; and P. Elmsley, opposite Southampton-street, Strand, 1770.
- Struys, Jan Janszoon, and John. Morrison. The Voiages and Travels of John Struys through Italy, Greece, Muscovy, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and Other Countries in Europe, Africa and Asia … And Two Narratives of the Taking of Astracan by the Cossackes. London: Printed for A. Swalle, 1684.
- Bordoni, Benedetto. Isolario di Benedetto Bordone : nel qual si ragiona di tutte l’isole del mondo, con li lor nomi antichi & moderni, historie, fauole, & modi del loro viuere … Vinegia: Federico Toresano, 1547.
- Carr, John. A Northern Summer; or, Travels Round the Baltic, through Denmark, Sweden, Russia, Prussia, and Part of Germany, in the Year 1804. London: Printed for R. Phillips by T. Gillet, 1805.
- Tott, François, and Pierre Jean Marie Ruffin. Mémoires du baron de Tott, sur les Turcs et les Tartares … Amsterdam: N.p., 1785.
- Lehmann, Christian. Historischer schauplatz derer natürlichen merckwürdigkeiten in dem meissnischen ober-ertzgebirge, darinnen eine aussführliche beschreibung dieser gantzen gebirgischen und angräntsenden begen… Leipzig: Lanckischens sel. Erben, 1699.
- Description générale de l’Hostel royal des invalides : établi par Louis le Grand dans la Plaine de Grenelle prés Paris. A Paris: Chez l’Auteur, dans l’Hostel Royal des Invalides., 1683.
- Winslow, Carroll Dana. With the French Flying Corps. New York: C. Scribner’s sons, 1917.
- Thayer, Frank S. New Orleans, the Crescent City, from Late Photographs. Denver: F. S. Thayer, 1900.
- Bowen, Richard E. [Views of a Trip Around the World] : [photograph Album]. N.p., 1895.
- Demuyter, Ernest. La navigation aérienne et les randonnées victorieuses du “Belgica” : Conquête de la coupe Gordon-Bennett. Bruxelles: Expansion belge vers le Levant, 1925.
- Pullen, Ralph Charles. [Sergeant Pullen’s Service in 11th Field Artillery, 1917-1918] : [photograph Album]. N.p., 1917.
- La Vaulx, Henry de, Charles. Dollfus, and Paul Tissandier. Aéronautique des origines à 1922. Paris: H. Floury, 1922.
- Day, Henry. Tour Round the World Per S.S. Empress of Canada : February – July 1924 [photograph Album]. United States: N.p., 1924.
- [Automobiles Made in the Budd Company]. Detroit: Budd Company, 1916.
- The Budd Manufacturing Company offers historical record of the early years of the United States’ automotive industry. They developed the first all steel body frame for open touring cars and produced thousands for Dodge, Studebaker, and Stanley Steamer.
- Emmons, Frederick E.American Passenger Ships : the Ocean Lines and Liners, 1873-1983. Newark: University of Delaware Press, 1985.
- Dayton, Fred Erving, John Wolcott Adams, and John Lipton. Lochhead. Steamboat Days. New York: Tudor Publishing Company, 1939.
- Demuyter, Ernest. La navigation aérienne et les randonnées victorieuses du “Belgica” : Conquête de la coupe Gordon-Bennett. Bruxelles: Expansion belge vers le Levant, 1925.
- Mason, Monck. Aeronautica; or, sketches illustrative of the theory and practice of aerostation: comprising an enlarged account of the late aerial expedition to Germany. … Lond: Westley, 1838.
- López de Vargas Machuca, Tomás. Atlas elemental moderno, ò, Coleccion de mapas para enseñar à los niños geografía : con una idea de la esfera. Madrid: [s.n.], 1792.
- Falconer, William. A Universal Dictionary of the Marine. new ed. London: T. Cadell, 1789.
- Rycaut, Paul. The History of the Present State of the Ottoman Empire, Containing the Maxims of the Turkish Polity, the Most Material Point of the Mahometan Religion…,their Military Discipline…,in Three Books. The fourth edition. London: printed for John Starkey and Henry Brome, 1675.
- Brees, S. C. (Samuel Charles). Railway Practice : A Collection of Working Plans and Practical Details of Construction in the Public Works of the Most Celebrated Engineers … on the Several Railways, Canals, and Other Public Works Throughout the Kingdom. London: J. Williams, 1837.
- Wise, John. A System of Aeronautics, Comprehending Its Earliest Investigations, and Modern Practice and Art. Philadelphia: J. A. Speel, 1850.
- Beckett, C. Tucker (Clarence Tucker). Clarence Tucker Beckett Papers, 1916.
- Neck, Jacob Cornelisz. van, and Theodor de Bry. Qvinta pars Indiae Orientalis. Francofurti: apud Matthaevm Becker, 1601.
- Frey, Carroll, and Jean-Pierre Blanchard. The First Air Voyage in America; the Times, the Place, and the People of the Blanchard Balloon Voyage of January 9, 1793. Philadelphia: The Penn mutual life insurance company, 1943.
- Paris; 285 Photographies. Paris: Flammarion, 1931.
- Langley, Henry G. Polk’s San Francisco City Directory. San Francisco
War and the Archive
- Dilich, Wilhelm. Wilhelmi Dilichii, weyland verschiedener Chur-und Fürsten gewesenen weitberühmten Ingenieurs und Bau-Meisters, Hochvernünfftig gegründet- und auffgerichtete, in gewisse Classen eingetheilte, bissher verschlossen gelegen, numehr aber eröffnete Krieges-Schule: worinnen, nach genau und zuwissen genugsamer, der alten Römer und Griechen zu Wasser und Land geführten, mit so viel als lebendigen Farben dargestellten Streit-Methode, zusamt deren vorgezeigten, damal üblichen, Waffen und Rüstungen, statt ordenlicher allen dessen Unterrichts Begehrend en vorn- und auffgegebenen Lectionen, vermittelst kluger und verständlicher Lehr, Art gewisen wird …: Alles und jedes in Form und Gestalt eines allerdings in dieser Materi und Schreib-Art vollkommenen, und noch niemals herauss gegebenen, was sonst ben vielen andern Scribenten mühsam zu suchen, alles in schönster Ordnung, was auch nur in Kriegs Sachen ersonnen, und zu wissen begehret werden mag, in sich begreiffenden Haupt Wercks, aus eigener Erfahrung vorgestellet, mit trefflichen Exempeln, von Feld-und See-Schlachten, Bestürm- und Eroberungen, [et]c. erläutert, anbey auch kostbaren, netten vielen Kupffer-Stücken, und zierlichen Holtz-Figuren, zu Handhabung dess gemeinen Besten, und sonderlich-verhoffender dess Lesers belustigender Befriedigung aussgezieret, und zum Druck befördert. Franckfurt am Mayn: In Verlegung Johann David Zunners, Buchhändlers, 1689. Print.
- The American Military Library; or, Compendium of the Modern Tactics (Philadelphia: Printed for the Author), 1809. [not catalogued]
- Casey, Silas. Infantry Tactics, for the Instruction, Exercise, and Manœuvres of the Soldier, a Company, Line of Skirmishes, Battalion, Brigade, or Corps D’armée . New York: D. Van Nostrand, 1863. Print.
- Baïf, Lazare de, Antonio Telesio, and Charles Estienne. Lazari Bayfii annotationes in legem II De captiuis & postliminio reuersis, in quibus tractatur de re nauali, per authorem reconitre: Eivsdem annotationes in tractatum De auro & argento legato, quibus vestimentorum & vasculorum genera explicantur. His omnibus, imagines ab antiquissimis monumentis desumptas, ad argumenti declarationẽ subiunximus. Item Antonii Thylesii De coloribus libellus, à coloribus vestium non alienus. Basileæ: apud Hier. Frobenium et Nic. Episcopium, 1541. Print.
- Melzo, Lodovico. Regole militari del Cavalier Melzo sopra il governo e servitio della cavalleria. In Anversa: Appresso Gioachimo Trognæsio, 1611. Print.
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