California History Collections
Are you researching a California history topic? Come see us! Our huge collection of Californiana includes first hand-resources, such as personal papers, newspapers, images, maps and ephemeral items like sheet music and menus, as well as numerous books, magazines and directories, phonebooks and indexes, from every single county in California and a few from outside the state. Whether you’re interested in 1960s protest movements, environmental history, California’s involvement in World War I, the Gold Rush or even pre-1849 California, we’ll have a resource for you.

Histories, Memoirs, Diaries, Cookbooks, Textbooks, Business Ledgers, and so much more.

Personal papers, Business Records, Research notes, Legal documents and more.

Historic newspapers from each of California’s counties. Most are on microfilm.

Back-issues of California’s scholarly journals, club newsletters, and industry magazines.

Receipts, Tickets, Posters, Pamphlets, Menus, Campaign Ads and other historic “throw-away” items.

Land claims, Road Maps, Plat maps, Sanborns and even informal sketches.

Paintings, photographs, cartoons, lithographs, illustrated stationary, postcards and more.

Unique Indexes
Homegrown card files with millions of references, as well as published genealogy, periodical and newspaper indexes.

Phone Books, City Directories, Business Directories, and Who’s Who books.
More California Materials
Can’t find what you’re looking for on our books, ephemera, images, manuscripts, maps, newspapers, and periodicals pages? Try searching our library databases or consulting our research guides! If those don’t help you, please consider contacting us or visiting the library to consult our analog indexes like the California Information File.
We are thrilled that you want to borrow our items! We loan our circulating books and periodicals directly to current state employees and indirectly to the general public via interlibrary loan. If you have any questions about borrowing our materials, please feel free to contact us.
Remote Access
Even if you can’t make it into Sacramento, you can still use many of our materials. Depending on what you’re interested in, you may be able to use our items by placing interlibrary loans at your local library, placing copy orders and even viewing some of our materials online, via Calisphere, the California Information File II, our online exhibits, or Internet Archive.
We are happy to offer a variety of reproduction options including copying services and digital reproductions. We also permit no-flash photography and make self-serve copying and scanning equipment available to our visitors. If you have any questions or you would like to place an order, please contact us.