Grant and Funding Opportunities

The State Library supports libraries with state-funded and Library Services and Technology Act-funded grants, statewide subscriptions to electronic resources, and statewide initiatives with partners offering further resources.

For current grantees, visit Manage Your Grant to access reporting forms, guidance, and contact information.

Apply Now for Funding

There are currently no open funding opportunities.

Upcoming Opportunities

There are currently no upcoming opportunities.

Apply to Participate

Book to Action Funding Opportunity

In partnership with the California State Library and the Office of the First Partner of California, the California Library Association will provide up to $5,000 in reimbursement to California public library outlets to support Book to Action programming with their communities. Application period closes on Friday, March 28, 2025 at 12:00 noon.


California Revealed

Digitization and preservation available for library collections significant to California history.


Ready — Or Not: Cultural Heritage Disaster Preparedness Project

Ready – Or Not preservation consultants provide consultation and conduct free site visits for California organizations stewarding cultural resources and then deliver a report with their observations.


eResources for Your Library and Community

CalMatters for Learning

Welcome to the free learning hub for library staff, educators and community organizers, presented by CalMatters in partnership with the California State Library. Here you’ll find teaching resources and unique tools to guide conversations in your communities about quality of life issues.


Ebooks for all California

Created to equalize access across California, this statewide eBook collection can be accessed by anyone with a California public library card and an internet connection.


K-12 Online Resources

The CA Online Media Program for Access and Student Success (COMPASS) provides dozens of online school-library resources across multiple subject areas, available via schools and local libraries.

State-funded (education)

New York Times Online for Public Libraries

The State Library subscription to the New York Times enables all public libraries to provide on-line access to their cardholders.
