State Librarian Greg Lucas introduced the second round of funding in October, 2023.
The Building Forward Library Facilities Improvement Program is the largest single investment made by the state in California’s public libraries. The grant program helps pay for capital projects for public library buildings that address critical maintenance needs, improve energy efficiency and sustainability, extend digital access, and expand physical access to library facilities.
In two separate rounds of funding in 2022 and 2023, the State Library awarded over $487 million in grants to 278 local libraries for facility infrastructure needs. The libraries receiving funds are located in 201 cities across 39 counties throughout the state.
In October 2023, California State Librarian Greg Lucas announced the second round of awards for the Building Forward Library Facilities Infrastructure Grant program. In this round more than $172 million will be awarded to 34 local libraries to address critical maintenance needs, improve energy efficiency and sustainability, and expand digital and physical access in 29 cities across 18 counties. Seven new library buildings will be constructed, 27 libraries will make energy efficiency upgrades, seven libraries will expand or redesign spaces for public programming, and 12 libraries will repair critical roof, foundation, or exterior building issues. For a full list of projects, see the Round Two Summary.
In 2022 (Round One funding), the State Library awarded over $312 million in grants to 246 local libraries to address some of the most pressing life-safety and critical maintenance needs in 182 cities across 34 counties. Funded projects include HVAC system upgrades and repairs, roof replacements, expansions, renovations, and even new library buildings, including for the City of Porterville whose library was destroyed in a 2020 fire.
For additional information, see the 2022-2023 Fiscal Year Report to the Legislature.
in infrastructure awards
improving library buildings
total investment
range of award amounts
with new library infrastructure projects
will have better, safer libraries
Background Information
Funds were allocated across two fiscal years: $439 million in the state’s 2021-2022 fiscal year, and $50 million in the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Budget language establishing the program prioritized grants for “life-safety and other critical maintenance and infrastructure projects.” Subsequent changes broaden eligibility to allow projects “addressing critical maintenance needs, improving energy efficiency and sustainability, and expanding access digitally and physically.”
In accordance with direction provided in the Budget Act of 2021 (SB 129), 2022 (AB 179), and 2023 (SB 101), funding was prioritized for projects in high-poverty areas. For both rounds, the State Library conducted a deliberate and rigorous review process which included an independent external advisory panel. To ensure the greatest amount of help from the state is delivered to the least resourced communities, the State Library used the California Poverty Measure to assess poverty at a community-based level.
Building Forward Projects
Download the funded projects data
Building Forward grantees should visit the Manage Your Grant page for program guidelines and reporting information.
Building Forward Advisory Council
- Joyce Abbott: Librarian, Washington State Library (Round Two)
- Leesa Aikin: South Carolina State Librarian (Round One and Two)
- Susan Banks: Pennsylvania State Librarian (Round One and Two)
- Carson Block: Library Consultant (Round One)
- Anne Cain: Retired Director, Contra Costa County Library (Round One and Two)
- Rachel Cook: Coordinator, Utah State Library (Round Two)
- Wendy Cornelison: Oregon State Librarian (Round Two)
- Renee Croft: Program Manager, Maryland State Library (Round Two)
- Linda Demmers: Library Consultant (Round One and Two)
- Angela Fox: Consultant, Indiana State Library (Round Two)
- Rhoda Goldberg: Retired, Harris County Public Library (Round One)
- Eli Guinee: New Mexico State Librarian (Round One)
- Jenni Jeffress: Director, Madison Public Library Foundation (Round One)
- Amy Johnson: Florida State Librarian (Round One and Two)
- Sara Jones: Washington State Librarian (Round One)
- Brian Lawrence: Assistant Director, Seattle Public Library Foundation (Round One)
- Annie Norman: Director, Delaware Division of Libraries (Round Two)
- Nancy C. Pack: Director, Alabama Public Library (Round Two)
- Mark Smith: Retired Director, Texas State Library (Round One, Chair)
- Mary Soucie: North Dakota State Librarian (Round One and Two)
- Lauren Stara: Consultant, Massachusetts State Library (Round One and Two)
- Hayley Trefun: Consultant, Indiana State Library (Round Two)
- Julie Walker: Georgia State Librarian (Round One and Two)
- Robin Westphal: Missouri State Librarian (Round Two)
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