Collection Development Resources

Archives Unbound

A digital collection of historical documents that support the research and study needs of scholars, researchers, and students at the college and university level. Collections cover a broad range of topics from the Middle Ages forward.

California Digital Newspaper Collection

Over 11 million pages of significant historical California newspapers published from 1846 through the present, including the first California newspaper. The collection also contains issues of several current California newspapers that are part of a project to preserve and provide access to contemporary papers. State-funded

California’s K-12 Online Content Project

Access to ProQuest, TeachingBooks, and Britannica for K-12 schools and public libraries so they can provide these resources to card holders. State-funded

eBooks for All California

The California State Library supports a provider agnostic ebook and ereading platform for all CA public libraries.

Emergency Connectivity Fund (ECF)

A program administered by the Federal Communications Commission that provides funding to libraries to purchase devices for circulation that will support unserved or underserved students and library patrons while off-site.

Federal Depository Library Program

A depository of federal government documents reaching back to 1795. The collection has been cataloged and made permanently accessible to the public by the State Library’s Government Publications Section staff.

Finding Health and Wellness @ the Library

A consumer health guide to help library workers become providers of reliable health promotion and wellness information and develop effective partnerships with health professionals and community agencies

Interlibrary Lending

The California State Library loans books, magazines, government publications, newspapers on microfilm, and other materials to the public through the interlibrary loan program.

New York Times Online for Public Libraries

The State Library subscription to the New York Times enables public libraries to provide on-line access to their cardholders. LSTA-funded

Preservation Resources from California Revealed

Information about California Revealed and a curated list to support and inform library collections care, digitization, and preservation.

Zip Books

Enables libraries to purchase items requested by cardholders, but not held in the collection, and ship them directly to patrons.