Banned Books Week Toolkit
Press Release Template
Use the press release template to highlight how libraries provide diverse collections of materials that create opportunities for all Californians, deliver trusted information, and build community. Feel free to customize with information and resources specific to your library.
Social Media Messages
The California State Library has created social media assets to help libraries deliver consistent messaging about the services you provide to your communities. Feel free to use any of the following messages to highlight Banned Books Week.
Be sure to use the hashtags — #BannedBooksWeek and #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll.
- Everyone has the right to read — #BannedBooksWeek and every other week! Explore the shelves of your library. #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- Celebrate #BannedBooksWeek. Read whatever you want. Thrillers, romance, biographies, children’s stories and novels. There’s something for everyone at the library. #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- Spread love and understanding. Read books. #BannedBooksWeek #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- Learn. Explore. Expand your imagination. At the library, you get to choose how whether it’s #BannedBooksWeek or any other week. There’s something for you on one of the shelves. #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- Libraries trust you to choose what to read. #BannedBooksWeek #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- People who want to ban books aren’t cool. Books sure are. #BannedBooksWeek #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- Open books. Open minds. #BannedBooksWeek #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- Turn the page on banned books. #BannedBooksWeek #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
- Books Yes! Bans No! #BannedBooksWeek #CaliforniaLibrariesForAll
Social Media Graphics
The American Library Association (ALA) provides images and downloadable PDFs that are “free to use to raise awareness about banned books and in support of Banned Books Week.”

Banned Books Week. Sept. 22-28, 2024. Freed Between The Lines. | American Library Association.
Find the above images and more on ALA’s Banned Books Week webpage. Please note per ALA:
These materials cannot be used for fundraising or placed on merchandise. Please do not alter or crop the images without permission. All images © American Library Association. Attribution is appreciated.
Feel free to also use any of the images on the Value of Libraries webpage.