24-25 LSTA Inspiration Grants
The Inspiration Grants opportunity provides Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) funding for California libraries that are inspired to implement projects outside of the State Library’s other funding opportunities. Inspiration Grants provide funding for projects that may not fit within the bounds of the other grants offered by the State Library and/or for ideas that are generated outside of other funding opportunity application timeframes.
The application period for Inspiration Grants is now closed. For questions, contact LSTAgrants@library.ca.gov.
Proposed projects must support Goal 1 of the California Library Services and Technology Act Investment Plan 2023-2027. The Application Instructions and Guidelines include full information about how to apply, including the rubric reviewers will use. Selection decisions will be made by the California State Librarian.
- The opportunity opens on July 10, 2024 and will close on August 21, 2024 at 12:00 noon.
- The project period will start in October 2024 and end on June 30, 2025.
Eligibility and Requirements
- Minimum funding request $20,000
- Maximum funding request $100,000
- Applicants should have at least one community connection in place before submitting an application. Applicants requesting $75,000 or more should have at least one project partner, in addition to a community connection, before submitting an application.
- The Inspiration Grants opportunity is open to California libraries. Libraries with up to 14 outlets may apply for one grant; libraries with between 15 and 30 outlets may apply for two grants; libraries with 31 or more outlets may apply for three grants.
In order for projects to be funded through LSTA, libraries must:
- Adhere to the general guidelines for LSTA eligibility
- Follow the State Library’s current LSTA five-year plan (PDF)
- Adhere to federal restrictions on funding which are included in the application instructions and grant guidelines
- Use funding according to the Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards (2CFS 200)
- Participate in the Public Library Survey each year
All awardees will be required to:
- Fulfill all project reporting responsibilities.
- Work with assigned Library Programs Coordinator and Grant Monitor throughout the project period to receive programming support and ensure the project and all activities are compliant with funding rules and regulations.
To Apply
Please be sure to review the Application Instructions thoroughly. A separate budget form must be completed and submitted with the online application.
- Application Instructions and Guidelines
- 2024-2025 LSTA Inspiration Grants Application
- Grant Award Budget Form (Excel)
- CA Grants Portal Page
This grant application period is open from July 10, 2024, to August 21, 2024.
For further information, please contact:
LSTA Grants
California State Library
Email us about the Inspiration Grant