A wide range of services are available to Californians through the California State Library. The library provides reference services to visitors of the library, as well as those contacting us online. Visitors are welcome to use our collections on site and our circulating materials are loaned to the public through local libraries. For more information, please contact one of our information desks.

Imagination Library of California
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library program is available in select areas with the goal to expand to every county across California. Through legislation authored by Senate President pro Tempore Toni Atkins and Senator Shannon Grove and signed by Governor Gavin Newsom, California children can receive free, age-appropriate books each month from birth until their 5th birthday to build their early literacy skills. Continue to check back regularly as we work with local partners to expand this program across the state.

Online Catalogs
Find books, documents, legal materials, magazines, journals, photographs, manuscripts, maps, videos, audio books, and more in the collections of the California State Library, including the Sutro Library in San Francisco.

Access our genealogy toolkit to start your family history research with helpful advice and links. Visit one of our public reading rooms to access California county genealogy indexes, files about Californians throughout history, or third party genealogy databases.

Find research resources and help, as well as information on the California Research Bureau, which provides independent, nonpartisan, timely and confidential policy research or analysis to our clients: the Legislature, the Governor’s Office and other Constitutional Officers.

Borrowing Library Materials
The California State Library loans books, magazines, government publications, newspapers on microfilm, and other materials to the public through the interlibrary loan program. Please contact your local public, academic, or workplace library to request an interlibrary loan.

Internet Computers, WiFi and Scanners
Internet workstations, Wi-Fi, and scanners for books and digital microform are available in our public service locations on the 3rd floor of the Stanley Mosk Library and Courts building at 914 Capitol Mall, the California History Room on the 2nd floor of the California State Library Building at 900 N Street in Sacramento and the Sutro Library in San Francisco.

Services to People with Disabilities
Learn about the free services and vast, searchable catalog available to eligible readers through our online directory of services and information about the Braille and Talking Book Library.

California History Information
The California History Section provides in-person and virtual reference assistance via Ask a Librarian; self-serve resources such as research guides, how-to guides, online collections, and exhibits; and scanning services for exact citations; we also handle permission to use (PTU) requests; and host a virtual Speaker Series and in-person community events.

Government Publications
Since 1850, the California State Library has collected U.S. federal and California state government reports, budgets, statistical compilations, directories, patent and trademark information, and more to assist state employees’ work and provide the public with free and open access to government information.

COMPASS for K-12
All K-12 students and educators in California have access to quality content resources online from the California Online Media Program for Access and Student Success, or COMPASS, to use”) for homework, research, the classroom — even just for fun!

Volunteer Opportunities at California Public Libraries
Through the Get Involved program, Californians can search for current volunteer opportunities at their local public libraries. Make a difference in your community by becoming a library volunteer today!