Library Development Services


The Library Development Services Bureau works to strengthen and advance access and innovation for all through strategic collaboration, capacity building, and the careful and responsible management of the state and federal funds entrusted to our care. Our efforts help libraries across California focus on public service as they improve their work with communities.


The California State Library strengthens the ability of local libraries to meet the needs and expectations of California’s communities and improve access to opportunities for all.


We commit to:

  • Collaboration and partnership that enables California libraries to maximize the reach and quality of their services by including a variety of stakeholder perspectives and creating opportunities to work together to reach mutual goals
  • Data-driven and outcomes-based impact that contributes to informed decision-making, enables continuous improvement, and eliminates systemic barriers
  • Community-centered work to help ensure all communities have the library services and programs they need to thrive
  • Ongoing internal and external communication to facilitate information-gathering and sharing, leading to improved community-centered programs and services

Current and upcoming five year grant making plans

Annual Update

Library Development Services 2023-2024 Annual Update (PDF)

The California State Library awarded and administered over $850 million in grant funds during the 2023-2024 fiscal year, helping California libraries, cities, counties, and non-profits create opportunity, deliver trusted information, and build community for all Californians. The Annual Update reviews a selection of our programs and contains a full list of our grant programs, initiatives, and awards funded by the State of California, the federal Library Services and Technology Act Grants to States program, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Library Development Services 2022-2023 Annual Update (PDF)

The California State Library awarded and administered over $840 million in grant funds during the 2022-2023 fiscal year, helping California libraries, cities, counties, universities, and non-profits develop new services, expand successful programs, and provide Californians with equitable access to the resources we all need to succeed. The Annual Update reviews just a few of the statewide initiatives and contains a full list of our grant programs, initiatives, and awards funded by the State of California, the federal Library Services and Technology Act Grants to States program, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

Library Development Services 2021-2022 Annual Update (PDF)

The Library Development Services 2021-2022 Annual Update reviews the 2021-2022 fiscal year and looks ahead to upcoming programs and projects. It provides information about activities funded by the State of California, the federal Library Services and Technology Act Grants to States program, the federal American Rescue Plan Act, and the David and Lucile Packard Foundation.

LibrarytoLibrary, A Library Development Services Newsletter

Sign up to receive the “LibrarytoLibrary” a monthly email newsletter from Library Development Services of the State Library containing information on upcoming opportunities, resources and more.

View archived copies of LibrarytoLibrary.

California Libraries in the News

Sign up to receive “California Libraries in the News,” a weekly email newsletter from The State Library containing links to news items about public libraries across the state.


Natalie Cole
Bureau Chief

Reed Strege
Assistant Bureau Chief
California Libraries Learn (Continuing Education Program)
Catalyst (Library Leadership Program)
Public Library Staff Education Program (PLSEP)

Bureau Contact
(916) 603-7212

Grant Administration and Bureau Operations

Lynne Oliva
Grants and Bureau Operations Manager

Annly Roman
Grants and Bureau Operations Manager

Grant Coordinators and Analysts

Grant Coordinators and Analysts administer the State Library’s funding opportunities and monitor funded projects.

Please contact our coordinators and analysts for information on upcoming opportunities and with questions about compliance, reporting, and implementing a funded project.

Wendy Amireh
Broadband Opportunities Program
Play for All
Targeted Grants
Teens Succeed

Libby Carlson
Building Forward Library Infrastructure Program
Dolly Parton’s Imagination Library
Ready or Not (disaster preparedness)

Gabriella Dixon
Outreach and Engagement
Parks Pass

Amanda Gamon
Community Impact Grants
Inspiration Grants
Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA) Coordinator
Sustainable California Libraries

Allyson Jeffredo
California Library Literacy Services (CLLS)
Career Online High School

Robyn McCreight
Stronger Together
Targeted Grants
Lunch at the Library

Monica Rivas
California Library Services Act (CLSA)
Targeted Grants
Zip Books

Alanna Wilson
Building Forward
eBooks for All

Program Development

Library Programs Consultants and Project Managers

Library Programs Consultants and Project Managers develop and implement statewide programs and initiatives and provide consulting services to public libraries and associated groups and organizations to extend and enhance library services.

For information about participating in statewide programs and initiatives, developing new and existing programs, and collecting, reporting, and using library data and statistics, contact our library programs consultants and project managers. Please include the person you would like to reach or the program you are inquiring about in the subject line.

Josh Chisom
Broadband Opportunities Program
E-Rate Program

Chris Durr
Library eBooks
Mobile Library Services
Tween and Teen Services
Zip Books

Lisa Lindsay
Tribal Libraries
Rural Libraries

Lena Pham
Preservation and Disaster Preparedness
Library Metrics and Statistics
Public Libraries Survey (PLS)

Julianna Robbins
Adult Services
Data Training for Public Libraries
Peer Review
Sustainable California Libraries Grant Program

Bev Schwartzberg
California Library Literacy Services (CLLS)
Literacy Initiatives

Shana Sojoyner
Early Learning and Children’s Services

Rachel Tucker
Lunch at the Library
Student Success Initiative (library card partnerships)
Summer Programming

Kaela Villalobos
Lunch at the Library
Student Success Initiative (library card partnerships)
Summer Programming

State Library’s Five-Year Plan for Grantmaking

As part of the LSTA federal grant process, each state library is required to develop a five-year plan that outlines specific goals and objective that will be achieved with these federal funds. This plan guides the work of our LSTA grant making. A hard copy of the LSTA Five Year Plan is available upon request.

How We Support California Public Libraries