PACE (Projects and Collaborative Education)
Commerce Public Library’s PACE (Projects and Collaborative Education) Project provided the necessary resources for K-12 students to successfully create projects and prepare for presentations that were assigned to them at school. Partnering with local schools and teachers, Commerce Public Library (CPL) staff obtained necessary supplies, everything from markers to staplers to tri-fold presentation boards, and created kits that students checked out for use in the library or at home. Chromebooks and laptops were available for check-out, and students had the opportunity to attend PowerPoint classes at the library.
Purpose: This program was developed after library staff served as judges at a local school science fair and saw that some students had difficulty with the quality of their projects because their families faced economic hardship and could not afford supplies. The library identified an opportunity to provide equitable access to materials for these students.
Expected outcomes: Participants will have increased confidence in their school projects, and families will report a decrease in the stress associated with these projects. Schools and teachers will report an increase in quality and success of completed projects.
Target Audience: This program was designed to assist low-income students and their families who experience difficulty in obtaining materials needed to complete school projects.
Partners: Interaction with local schools and the teachers assigning projects is crucial for this program. CPL forged relationships with teachers and obtained lists of materials needed for school projects. These partners help spread the word about the availability of PACE bags at the library.
Budget Considerations
- Craft materials and supplies
- USB drives
- Laptops, Chromebooks, Netbooks
- Microsoft Office and Printshop software
- Mobile storage cabinet
Special considerations: If you plan to apply for LSTA funding for this project, your library must be CIPA-compliant (see Children’s Internet Protection Act).
Implementation Steps
- Co-design your project with your community: Identify potential participants, focusing on reaching people not currently visiting the library, and gauge interest in the project. Meet with them to discuss the program. Engage them in envisioning the project, planning how to proceed, what activities will take place, and how community members will be invited and encouraged to attend.
- Contact schools/teachers to obtain lists of supplies. Sample: PACE Teacher supply request form (PDF).
- Schedule PowerPoint classes on library calendar, reserve rooms. Offer multiple opportunities to fit students’ schedules. Sample schedule: PACE Powerpoint Class (PDF)
- Develop curriculum and prepare to teach PowerPoint classes. Sample: PACE PowerPoint Handout (PDF), PACE PowerPoint presentation (PDF)
- Publicize program in the library and in schools (ongoing). Examples: PACE Kids Flyer (PDF), PACE Teen Flyer (PDF), City of Commerce Website,
- Purchase supplies and equipment, including Chromebooks, laptops, and software
- Determined by teachers’ requests
- Take home totes and In-Library Use kits may be purchased from Lakeshore Learning
- Vendors that may be used for supplies include Discount School Supply, Office Depot, Dollar Tree, Amazon
- Sample list of supplies and costs (PDF)
- Photograph supplies for students to see inventory Sample: PACE Supplies Photos (PDF)
- Assemble kits
- Catalogue kits and computers and decide on loan period. Determine what the policy will be for lost or damaged equipment; remember that fines and fees can serve as a barrier for low-income participants. Example: PACE Project Fines Fees (PDF), PACE bag catalog record (PDF)
- Create order forms and check-out slips Sample: PACE Checkout Slip (PDF), PACE Mobile Device Checkout Agreement (PDF), PACE Mobile Device Parent Permission (PDF)
- Train staff in circulation policies and request their assistance in marketing kits to patrons
- Consult with students during check-outs to ensure access to necessary materials
- Evaluate program. Survey students who check out PACE materials Sample: PACE Participant Survey (PDF)And issue surveys to teachers after each project completed Sample: PACE Teacher Survey (PDF)
- Continually monitor kits for resupply
- Continually monitor inventory for resupply