Manage Your Current Grant

Some grant programs, such as LSTA and large state initiatives like Shared Vision, have multiple funding opportunities. Use the outline in the navigation menu below to determine which section to visit to access the appropriate instructions, reporting forms, and links for your current grant.

Amplifund Instructions

For instructions on using the new grant management system, AmpliFund:

Building Forward: Library Facilities Improvement Program

Round One

Round Two

For assistance, contact:

The Building Forward Library Grant Team

Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA)

Documents in this section correspond to the Capacity, Local and Collaborative, eBooks for All California, Inspiration, Teens Succeed, Play for All, Community Impact Grants, and Sustainable California Libraries opportunities.

Instructions and Guidelines

Grant Guide
Outcomes Surveys
Report Instructions and Forms
Goal 1 Projects
Goal 2 Projects
Goal 3 Projects
Goal 4 Projects

For assistance, contact:

LSTA Grants (program contact)
(916) 603-7195

Federal Grants (fiscal contact)
(916) 651-0977

California Library Literacy Services (CLLS)

For assistance, contact:

Allyson Jeffredo, Grants Analyst
(916) 603-6709

Yesenia Udarbe, Fiscal Analyst
(916) 603-6701

Civil Liberties


  • The opportunity opened Thursday, November 16, 2023, and closed Monday, January 15, 2024, at noon, 12:00 pm PST.
  • Two rounds of reviews will be conducted. Applications received by January 15, 2024, will be reviewed and decisions will be made by March 2024
  • Successful applicants can expect to receive project funds up to 8-10 weeks after a completed payment claim form, that is free of errors, is received by the State Library.
  • Project period start dates will begin in April 2024 and all project end dates will be June 30, 2025.

Lunch at the Library

Reports and Other Forms

For Reporting information, refer to the LATL Manage My Grant Page.

For assistance, contact:

Robyn McCreight, Grants Analyst
(916) 603-6718

Gina Iwata, Fiscal Analyst
(916) 603-7124

Ethnic Media Outreach Grant

For assistance, contact:

Lynne Oliva, Grants and Bureau Operations Manager
(916) 603-7195

Parks Pass Grant

Instructions and Guidelines

Reports and Other Forms

All reports will be submitted via the Parks Pass portal in Wizehive.

Parks Pass Round 2 Final Financial and Narrative Repots – Due March 30, 2024

For assistance, contact:

Gabriella Dixon, Outreach and Engagement Coordinator
(279) 399-8991

Gina Iwata, Fiscal Analyst
(916) 603-7124

Shared Vision

Shared Vision projects include Early Learning, Out-of-School-Time, Bringing the Library to You, and Open+.

For assistance, contact:

Robyn McCreight, Grants Analyst
(916) 603-6716

Gina Iwata, Fiscal Analyst
(916) 603-7124

Stronger Together

Stronger Together includes Improving Library Access, Out-of-school-Time, and Early learning grants.

For assistance, contact:

Robyn McCreight, Grants Analyst
(916) 603-6716

Gina Iwata, Fiscal Analyst
(916) 603-7124

Zip Books

For assistance, contact:

Zip Books Team

Yesenia Castellon, Fiscal Analyst

State Funding Acknowledgement

Publication and information releases about projects state-funded projects must credit the State of California. An appropriate statement is:

This [publication/project] was supported in whole or in part by funding provided by the State of California, administered by the California State Library.

Esta [publicación / proyecto] es apoyada en su totalidad o en parte por el Estado de California, administrada por el Bibliotecario del Estado.

LSTA Funding Acknowledgement

Publications and information releases about an LSTA project, as well as LSTA project-produced materials (e.g. project websites, toolkits, outreach materials, etc.), must credit the Library Services and Technology Act (LSTA). An appropriate statement is:

This [publication/project] is supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in California by the State Librarian.

Esta [publicación / proyecto] es apoyada en su totalidad o en parte por el Instituto de Servicios de Museos y Bibliotecas de EE. UU. según las provisiones del acta de Servicios y Tecnología de Bibliotecas, administrada en California por el Bibliotecario del Estado.

As appropriate, this disclaimer should be added:

The opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the California State Library, and no official endorsement by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services or the California State Library should be inferred.

Las opiniones expresadas en este documento no reflejan necesariamente la posición ni póliza del Instituto de Servicios de Museos y Bibliotecas de los EE. UU. o la Biblioteca Estatal de California, como tampoco infiere ningún respaldo oficial por parte del Instituto de Servicios de Museos y Bibliotecas de los EE. UU. o la Biblioteca Estatal de California.